Laura is 34 years old and lives in Brentwood, Essex. She works as a Personal Trainer and Event Organiser.
When she turned 30 she had a sudden panic that her life would be over within a flash and she decided she wanted to get more out of life and wanted to go on adventures, and use her body! She wanted a challenge, she wanted to be pushed and she wanted to be taken outside of her comfort zone.
Laura had always been fit (or so she thought), at the gym, she dabbling in this and that but she was not a runner, in her own words "I was a shocking runner".
A 1 mile run would leave her lungs burning and her kneecaps feeling like they were about to fall out off her legs!
But once she gets an idea in her head, that's it.... Within 18 months, she went from doing a 5km event to doing a 20km event. This then led to a 24 hour event..... followed by a 48 hour event..... which brings us nicely on to her challenges for 2017!
2017 Challenges
In June and July 2017 Laura will taking part in the Rannoch GB Challenge, which invovles rowing 1,800 miles around the coast of Great Britain with a team of 5. The challenge will take place over 8 weeks and they will be raising money for the RNLI.
On competing that, she plans to take part in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge!
This takes place in December 2017, and invovles a 3,000 miles row across the Atlantic ocean from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua.
She will be raising money for Centrepoint, the UK's largest charity for homeless 16-25 year olds.
In early 2016 Laura was left homeless for a few months. Thankfully, she was lucky and had incredible friends and a van that she could use as a place to stay.
At the moment, Laura is trying to decide if she will do the Atlantic challenge solo or as part of a team.
We will be following Laura on this journey as she learns new skills, trains both her body and her mind as well as raising the money to undertake these awesome challenges!
You can follow along with Laura by visiting her blog and following her on social media.
Social Media
Facebook: LTFactor
Twitter: @LTFactor
Instagram: @LTFactor
You Tube: LTFactor
Website: www.LTFactor.com