2016…. I honesty can’t believe what I’ve done and what I’ve achieved over the past 12 months. I have no idea how the time has passed, but here we are. Ready to close the book on 2016 and to start a fresh on the 1st January 2017.
I hate New Year’s Eve with a passion, but I love the 1st of January. It’s fresh, it’s new, it’s an exciting time of the year. It’s the unknown. It’s filled with potential and it re-energies me.
I love my life, I love what I do. I love Mondays, I love Sundays. I don’t dread Sunday nights, I no longer have to maintain this false positivity and happiness. I don’t have to force myself to be motivated. I’m am motivated. I am driven and I know my mission and my purpose.
This year has not been plain sailing. There have been high points and low points and I’ve had my own ups and downs. I’ve suffered from doubts and wondered if what I’m doing will ever be able to support me? Will I be able to make a life from my passion? Will I be able to make Tough Girl Challenges a success?
I don’t know the answers to these questions, and only time will tell. The only things I can do, is continue to work hard, have faith and believe it will happen.
I decided to do a podcast episode as I wanted to share more about my year and my plans for 2017. I wanted to get it out there. I want people to know what my goals are for 2017 and I want to be transparent as I grow Tough Girl Challenges. I want to be real with how hard this is and share the struggles I face.
I also want to come back in 12 months and listen to this episode and see how far I’ve come and see what’s happened in 2017!
Listen now!
Show notes
Why I started the Tough Girl Podcast
The common themes from 2016 - Dealing with failure and how sports are connected to mental health
Starting 2016 in Melbourne
The best thing that happened to me this year? Getting to the start line of the Marathon des Sables and the birth of my god daughter, Grace!
Most challenging thing that happened in 2016? Learning from the failure of my boxing match
What was your unexpected joy? Hearing from the tribe, and hearing how they’ve been inspired by the podcast
What unexpected obstacle have you faced? Money or lack of!
Three words to describe this year? Challenging, fun & epic!
Best books I’ve read this year? Have been via Blinkist
Being successful is matter of figuring out what you’re good at and parlaying that skill into a career
You have to vocalise your hopes and dreams if you want people to help you achieve them
The author was simply being herself and doing what she was good at; that’s what made her successful. But she was able to find this path as she had accepted her own strengths and weakness.
If you want to achieve greatness, it’s important to realise that no matter how motivated you are, there’s no straight line to success
Failure can happen to anyone – so don’t fear it, own it!
if you put positivity out into the universe, you’ll receive the same in return.
you can’t worry about what others are doing or thinking. If you spend your time obsessed with others, you’ll neglect the innovation and creativity inside of you.
it’s about figuring out what you really love and letting your passion drive you
By working hard and building experience, the author developed expert insight into what her customers wanted. But what really helped her succeed was that she was able to put all this expertise into building an influential, loyal community.
Ask people for help.
More book recommendations:- 59 seconds, Awaken the Giant Within, Crush It, Lean in, 80/20
Why not everyone’s going to like you, and why that’s ok
My most valuable relationships! My parents & members of the tribe!
My biggest personal challenge in 2016? The Marathon des Sables!
Take a listen to my MDS experience!
In what ways did I grow emotionally? Becoming more relaxed!
In what ways did I grow physically? I didn’t! Losing strength while endurance training.
In what ways did you grow in relationships with others? This is an area that I need to work on in 2017
Work - Loving what I do & connecting with other amazing women around the world
Starting Tough Girl EXTRA in September
Most challenging part of you work? Having to say no to people, working by myself, being lonely & having to justify my life choices.
Single biggest time waster this year? Netflixs - Binge watching.. House of Cards, Homeland etc
Doing small things every day to help me hit my goals
Biggest thing I’ve learnt in 2016 - Patience! Patience! Patience!
Reflecting on 2016
My 7 goals for 2017
Aiming to hit 500,000 downloads of the Tough Girl Podcast in 2017 and how I’m going to do it!
Learning French - Signing up to Dulolingo & starting a french course
Donating my hair to - Little Princess Trust
Training as a Personal Trainer
Mountain Leader Award
Going back to university - Masters in Women & Gender
Thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail in 100 days in 2017 and finishing the trail on my birthday!
Vlogging, public speaking & earning money through my odd jobs
Why I recorded the podcast episode.
Have you set your own personal goals for 2017?
Steps for helping you to write down your goals
Why you need to be conscious of what you’re filling your mind with. Why you need to read good books and listen to good podcasts!
THANK YOU for your generosity and support with the tough girl podcast. I could not do this with out you!

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