Frances Taylor found fitness in 2013, taking up jogging to help combat the office routines, going on to run six marathons and a 75km ultra marathon.
With a 30th birthday on the horizon, and her life not exactly where she wanted it to be, she's quit her job and is travelling 3000 miles around New Zealand by bicycle.
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Show notes
Hating PE at school and stopping all physical activity from 14 years old
Finding fitness again
Deciding to do the Detroit Marathon
Living in London and working full time as a receptionist
Starting to run and how it helped her with her mental health
Having 10 months to train for her first marathon
The first time putting her trainers on and going for a run
Building up her training over time
To tell people or not to tell people?
Being embarrassed about how slow she was
Being a few weeks away from her first marathon and dealing with the nerves
Letting herself feel her feelings and carrying on
Her first marathon, being overwhelmed, tired and crying at mile 17
How her self confidence sky rocketed after doing the marathon
The Scafell Pike Marathon!
Training for the hills
Deciding to do an ultra! A flat 75K (with no navigation)
Why the time is passing anyway and you should go out and do what you want to do
Giving it their best shot
Doing the race for themselves
With her 30th birthday coming up & deciding to quit her job
Needing to do something big with her life
Why she decided she wanted to go to New Zealand
Tips for saving money
Giving herself 2 years to get ready
Her plan for NZ and why it’s been more difficult than she thought and why its been more amazing that she could imagine
Learning to have more self belief
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Twitter - @Penny_face
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