I now only have 34 days left before I head off and I am getting so excited!!! I'm also very aware that those days are going to fly by and I have a lot to do in order for me to be able to leave with everything up-straight and organised.
By the end of this month I need my dissertation finished, printed and bound and ready for me to take to Lancaster University and hand in. I need all my podcast episodes for the rest of the year to be uploaded both on the media host website and also on my personal website, that is 20 episodes in total. I also need to make money so I have emergency funds for "just in case" situations and also to buy any last pieces of equipment.
On the 1st of August I will be sharing the next batch of interviews (which are awesome!), I’ll be getting these uploaded on to the website and will be promoting and sharing them on social media. 4 episodes are coming out starting with with Nicky Spinks on the 7th Aug, Katy Willings 14th , Terra Roams 21st and Janine Doggett on the 28th!
On the 4th August I will be celebrating the 3rd year anniversary of the Tough Girl Podcast with a lunch at mine with fabulous women who are supporters, patrons, tribe members and previous guest from the Tough Girl Podcast.
11 - Tough Girl Podcast interviews need to be edited and uploaded, this also includes writing the show notes and uploading to the media host and my website. This is a massive job - I can't even explain how long this takes to do, but if you follow me on Instagram stories you will be able to follow along - It can be hours and hours and hours of work!
1 interview needs to be recorded & edited - mine! My sister Caroline, will be interviewing me and I’ll be sharing more about my planning for the PCH and Baja divide. I will be reaching out to the tribe and patrons and will answer any specific questions you may have about the next adventure - this episode will come out on 4th September at 7am UK time.
I will be starting back up the Tough Girl Daily Podcast ! This will be Season 2 - Which I’m really excited about, I’ve missed sharing the daily updates and it’s so good for me to go back at a later date and listen to what I was doing a year ago. It helps me to track how far I've come, which you can forget when your head is down and you are just working all the time. In a way it is my form of a diary. This will be starting from the 1st August! I will also create new artwork and will need to promote, share and update the website with this!
I will be starting on Instagram TV - I have no idea what I’m doing on the platform, but I want to give it ago and see what happens. I may combine this with the daily podcast as well (not sure as yet). I plan to do 5 min videos on a variety of topics from; starting Tough Girl Challenges, climbing Kilimanjaro, running MDS, why the Appalachian trail, Instagram tips, social media tips, advice about podcasting, what training i do, supplement chat etc. I will be doing one episode per day and will see how it goes. If you have any topics you would like me to cover please do reach out, you can send me a DM on any of my social media channels or send me an e-mail sarah@toughgirlchallenges.com
I’m doing a Facebook Live with Renee McGregor on the main FB page Thursday 9th August 6pm UK time. If you have any questions or topics you would like me to focus on, please do comment on the FB event page.
Final edits to be made for my dissertation (Dissertation Title - Women, Adventure & Fear), must be done before the 2nd August.
Dissertation will be sent off on the 2nd August to be proof read and spell checked. This will take 7 days to be checked, once I have it back I will make the changes needed and get it printed and bound.
I’m heading up to Lancaster University to hand my dissertation in on the 30th August and will be having lunch with the uni ladies. I will also be returning my library books and then that’s me done with my Masters! (Until I get my result!!)
On the 31st August, I’m heading to Camp Wildfire down in Kent which looks super fun! Full disclosure, they have given me a free ticket (otherwise I would not have been able to afford it) and I’ve been allowed to bring a plus one. So I’m bringing the awesome Laura Try, we’ll be sharing the craziness on social media and I’ll be vlogging the weekend! If you want to come - please grab yourself a ticket, it would be fab to meet up face to face!! Here are some of the activities I'll be getting involved with!!
I’m working out with my PT every week (1 hour) and also doing 3 cycle ride a week on the watt bike and occasionally outside as well, (e.g. 2 x 1.30 mins, 1 x 2.15mins).
I’m also working on my hip flexors and glutes by foam rolling and stretching every day for about 20 mins.
I’m getting a massage once a week. I have two more left, but will try get another two booked in to take me to the end of the month. I really notice a difference and it helps me to recover so much faster.
I’m going to be hosting a blogging and podcasting online work shop on Sunday 19th August from 3 - 5.30. I need to create the event, share the event promote the event. I have all the material ready from a previous workshop I’ve run, I just need to update it.
I going to offer out 121 coaching, one off sessions, to help people with the their business, next challenge, setting goals etc. I need to promote this and make people aware. -->> To find out more about coaching - click HERE!
I have 16 Tough Girl Buffs which I need to sell - £15 per buff - free postage in the UK!
I still really want a DJI drone (£521 with student discount), for the vlog footage, but I just can’t afford it at the moment, if the coaching and the online workshop goes well, then this could be a possibility. Fingers crossed!
I’ve got my Garmin navigation tool and need to figure out a) how to use it and b) how to upload maps onto it! I will go on youtube and google to figure this out!!
I’d love to reach 250 patrons before I start my trip - which is a huge ask. If I could reach 230 by the end of August that would be fab. Having supporting and patrons is what is allowing me to go on this adventure and to be able to share everything I'm learning. Patreon is paying me a salary and is allowing me to start making a living from producing the content I do.
I’ll be running a patron prize draw on the 31st August, I’ll be buying a print that Emma Timmis did and will be drawing a patrons name from a hat to win the print! All patrons are automatically entered into the prize draw!

I’m doing an interview for the Hippie Haven Podcast on the 3rd August. It's always beneficial to go on other podcasts as you can reach new audiences and hopefully the collaboration will encourage others to come and listen to the tough girl podcast!
I’m doing an interview with Mark Davies (old friend from university) for his new podcast 6th August - he also wants to film it and take photos etc - that’s going to be happening on the 6th
I’m going to see the dentist on the 15th (always good to get a check up done before heading off travelling)
I’ve got a coaching session with a client on the 20th - which I’m excited about!
That's everything I can think of at the moment! But I'm sure other things will pop up. But at the moment, I'm focused on finishing my Masters, adding more stories to the tough girl podcast and blog, adding value to patrons and building a business which will be able to support me and allow me to earn enough money to make this my full time job.
As always if you have any comments, thoughts, questions, suggestions, then please reach out. I'd love to hear from you.
If you do want to support further, becoming a patron would help a huge amount.
Thank you for reading xx
You can read my July Update here