Life over the past few weeks has been hectic to say the least! Dissertation work, physical training, long cycle rides, planning the next challenge, figuring out what equipment to buy, buying equipment, working two part time jobs, working with coaching clients, podcasting, blogging, social media, e-mails and so on.
It has been full on, but I knew what I was getting myself into when I said yes to all these things. I’m not complaining at all as everything I’m doing is helping to build a really solid foundation on which to build a career, which will be able to sustain me and allow me to move out of home.
If you want to see what daily life is like you can follow along via Instagram stories - my handle is @toughgirlchallenges.
At the moment, I’ve been very reactive and not proactive in my life, I’ve been fighting against deadlines and have been trying hard to balance everything. Sometime I do and it’s fabulous, other times I’m so exhausted I’m falling asleep at 9 pm and having to take power naps during the day. Somedays it all goes to plan, interviews are booked in, e-mails are replied to, blog posts are written, podcast episodes get edited in record times, other times, people miss their slot, don’t send you the information you need, mess you about and throw all your well laid plans up in the air and you have reschedule, reorganise and keep calm when you don’t achieve everything you set out to!
However, lots of action has been taken!!
What’s been achieved this month!
All interviews for the TGP have been recorded and this will take me to the end of the year!
9 interviews have been edited, uploaded and scheduled to come out over the next few weeks and months
I’ve been interviewed for the Lesson from a quitter Podcast
220 patrons have signed up and are supporting the TGP (the goal for July was 220 - so it was awesome to achieve this) -->> You can support HERE
2 interviews for Camp America DONE!
Working at Ground
1 coaching call with a client -->> If you want more info on coaching drop me an e-mail at sarah@toughgirlchallenges.com
FB Live for the tribe has been going well, and the episodes are available to be re watched for tribe members in the FB Group and I have also shared them with patrons (US$5 and above)
My dissertation is 95% there, I send a chapter off to my supervisor for her to check though and she has come back with some feedback and a few changes I need to make
I did a plagiarism check on my work and it came back as 93% original which is great!
I’ve been doing my cycle training and have been doing about 2 cycle ride per week. I started off with time goals of 1 hour and have been building this up to 1hr 15mins, 1 hr 30 mins, 1 hr, 45 mins etc
I’ve been seeing my PT (1 Hour) once a week and I’m getting fitter & stronger.
I’ve had 2 massages done and feel so much better already, it makes such a difference to your recovery!
I honestly thought the list would be a lot longer!!! But as a caveat things like writing and editing a dissertation and editing podcasts suck up a huge amount of time!!
To see what I’ve got planned for August — See Goals & Plans For August