Tough Girl Challenges is currently in discussions with Expeditions Wales to run a joint event for older women who are in their twenties, thirties and forties who may not have had the opportunity when they were younger to get involved in challenges such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award or just to spend time outdoors working as part of a team.
This is not about completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award; it’s about taking the time out for YOU. To get back to nature, to have some peace and quiet, to spend time reflecting on your life and what you want to achieve in the future. It will also be an opportunity to do some gentle walking and explore the mountains with qualified guides and learn new skills such as map reading and navigation.
This event will be held over a weekend in September when the weather’s still warm. It’s going to be fantastic - Getting outdoors, sleeping in tents and breathing in fresh mountain air. There will be lots of other similar minded women who you’ll get to meet, chat with and become friends with.
If you’d like to be part of this amazing weekend and know of anyone else who needs to get away please e-mail me and I’ll make sure you’re kept updated.
Expedition Wales
"Our belief is that the Outdoors is there to be enjoyed safely and responsibly by all, we encourage and demonstrate safe practices, considered decision making, above all ensuring that it is not our adventure, but one that belongs entirely to those taking part in it!"