Sounds of Silence, is an amazing dining experience. It’s held outside in the National Park with Uluru as the backdrop. The evening starts off with sparkling wine and some adventurous canapés while a didgeridoo is playing in the background.

This is the perfect opportunity to take photos and to soak up the atmosphere.

Once the sun has set you head down a narrow pathway to an unforgettable dining experience....

There are ten circular tables with crisp white linen; it really is a five star dining expereince in the outback. Each table seats ten people and there is a good mix of different nationalities. There are traditional Australian wines and beers being served and a bush tucker inspired buffet. The buffet included lots of native bush ingredients such as kangaroo, crocodile, barramundi and quandong as well as the more normal meat such as chicken for the less adventurous!
Once everyone had eaten their main course, it was time to move onto the entertainment.... three traditional male dancers come out and give a short dance performance. Once they’ve finished the sky is now pitch black and the stars and moon are shinning bright.

The resident star talker then comes out and points out the Southern Cross, the Milky Way as well as many other stars. You also had the opportunity to view the stars and planets through two of their telescopes. The photo above of the moon was taken through the telescope.
This was a magical evening; my only problem was how cold it got! The temperature seemed to drop a lot so make sure you take a jumper and maybe even a jacket to keep warm.