Arry hated sports, hating being active and was completely turned off exercise from a young age. At school she came up with every excuse under the sun not to get active!
But what changed?

What led her to take up running and to eventually taking on the challenge of being the first person to run around the perimeter of Wales via the newly opened Coastal Path and Offas Dyke.
What were her motivations and the reasons behind the challenge?
During this podcast we learn more about Arry and how she's inspired others to get into sports and fitness. How’s she's battled grief, anxiety, depression and haters - people who still say she ‘doesn’t look like a runner’.
Arry’s a remarkable women, who has a fantastic story to share.
During this podcast you’ll be inspired and motivated as well as picking up loads of top tips and advice about undertaking a challenge and getting outside of your comfort zone.
What are you waiting for! It’s time to listen to Arry’s story!
You can listen on iTunes, Soundcloud or Stitcher!
We also talk about the following:
What The Dragon Run 1027 is and how it came about
Why she was able to set up the challenge and able to do it even with the odds stacked against her. e.g. never having run more than 13 miles before and never running off road before!
Getting help and support from Elite Ultra Runners - Matt Calaghan, Phil Rosenstein, Dean Karnzes (Ultra Marathon Man)
The preparation and planning that went into the event and why she focused more on the mental side. She provides top tips for running as well as how to make the change from road running to trail running.
How she approached the training and why getting up at 3 am to train became the norm.
Getting to the start line and her feelings on that day, followed by her first psychological battle which happened on day 2 and how she handled it.
How she coped with injury on the way and why she wasn’t going to let it stop her.
Dealing with grief, and why she couldn’t put it off anymore and why day 15 still haunts her and how she learned to process her emotions in a different way or else she wasn’t going to be able to carry on.
This is one inspiring story and to learn more about the Dragon Run and to be kept unto date with Arry’s next challenge - Check out her blog!
You can say hi to Arry on twitter @dragonrun1027 and say hi to me @_TOUGH_GIRL. We're both on Facebook as well! Click the Dragon Run 1027 & Tough Girl Challenges - to follow & support!
Arry's goal was to raise £25K for Velindre Cancer Centre and Gozo CCU Foundation. The fundraising continues! You can support by clicking HERE!
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