Rachel is a 44 year old, Special Needs PE Teacher who loves sports and has represented Team GB at Triathlon. This is her story of how she knew something was wrong with her, but no one would listen. Eventually she stopped talking about it. She was then diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2014. During the podcast we talk about how she handled the news, and how she coped with her diagnoses. What kept her positive through the challenges she faced, from emergency operations, to only being able to sit up in bed for five minutes at a time. Rachel has fought her way back to health and fitness and inspired many along the way with her story.
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Show notes
Where her love of sport came from and why a teacher inspired her at 11 years old to become a PE teacher
Quitting hockey and changing over to football
The changes she has seen in girls sports and why it’s changed so much over the years
Why she decided to leave football and try a new sport at 40 years old
Wanting to make the GB Triathlon Team
Her first triathlon, on a borrowed bike!
Her first Ironman, where she trained herself and just did what she thought should be doing
What you need to do to qualify for Team GB
Racing in Budapest & coming 9th in her first World Championships!
How her lifestyle changed going forward
Where her determination and focus comes from
Starting to have dream like episodes and having issues with her eyes
Being told she had a brain tumour and how she handled it
How quickly things moved forward
Why her surgeon encouraged her to exercise
How she remained positive during the diagnosis
How she came to start writing her book and why writing gave her relief
Having the first operation
Getting out in time for Christmas
Needing to go in for an emergency operation
Why she needed to ask the hard questions
How she got herself out of the darkness
Why she looked at her recovery like training
Having to start again
What she’s learned most from the whole experience
Heading off to Geneva 7 months later and making the most of the event
Getting a Gluiness World Record! Running the London Marathon in a Hippo Costume!
Raising money for Brain Tumour Support
Why she named her book - The Butterfly Within
You can read Rachel’s story - The Butterfly Within
Learn more about what the Brain Tumour Support charity does by visiting their website.
Rachel is also on Twitter @TheRachelBown
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