Amelia Boone is 33 years old, working as an attorney in California while also competing as pretty much a full time OCR athlete (Obstacle Course Racer). Since the sport's inception, she’s arguably the world's most decorated obstacle racer amassing more than 30 victories and 50 podiums!
Career highlights include:
3x winner of the World's Toughest Mudder (2012, 2014, 2015)
Spartan Race World Champion 2013
Spartan Race Points Series Champion (2013 & 2015)
3x Death Race Finisher (Winter 2012, Summer 2012, Summer 2013)
“I’m not the strongest. I’m not the fastest. But I’m really good at suffering.”
– Amelia Boone
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Show notes
Moving from Chicago to California and the benefits which came from it
Getting Amelia to introduce herself
Being a full time attorney and also a full time obstacle course racer
Being sporty at school, but not being a typical runner
Getting to spend time outside, playing team sports such as softball, and soccer
Being good at everything but not the best at anything
Why she thinks she's successful at endurance events
Using the gym while at college and at law school to help deal with stress
Learning about Tough Mudder and deciding to give it a go
Her first Tough Mudder - going back and reliving the memories!
Why she loved it and why she decided to do another one
Trying to do her pull up and why the “funky money obstacle” was her big challenge
Why you have to go after your first pull up!!
Her most impulsive decision in her life and why she signing up for a 24hr Tough Mudder - The Worlds First!
Looking for meaning and try to find a new challenge
Using cross fit to develop strength
Being one of the 13th finishers to finish the race out of 900 people
Having to break through the ice & being the coldest she’d ever been and why this low point was also a high point and life changing for her!
Why it’s a race but it’s still about the community
Learning mental resilience and why it can be easy to get over whelmed by the size and length of the race
Mental tips and tricks to get through the tough times
Her favourite song which got her around the 2012 Tough Mudder Race!
How the number of women entering races has changed over the years and why women should enter the longer races
What’s she learned from running races and how she’s been able to apply it to her life
Trying to get balance in her life!
Waking up at 4 - 4.30 am!!!
Coping with injury over the past year
Why you have to find a new normal
Losing her identity and going through a period of trying to work out who she was
What she would like to see happen in 2017
Dealing with the pressure she places on herself
Words of advice & top tips
Learn more about Amelia by visiting her website! Amelia is also on twitter @AmeliaBoone I'm on twitter @_TOUGH_GIRL
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