At the start of 2017 after feedback from the Tough Girl Tribe. I started 7 Women - 7 Challenges.
Throughout the year I have been interviewing 7 women to follow them on their journey of going after their own personal challenges.
What a journey it has been! There have been high points (a new baby!), low points (trying to raise £21K), focus, dedication, commitment, success and failure. New skills have been learned, new challenges ticked off bucket lists and fears overcome.
I would like to extend a massive thank you to all of the seven women who have been involved in this project since December 2016. It is not easy to put yourself out there, and to share your story with the world (the tough girl podcast is listened to in 172 countries).
These women, all stepped up, they have shared honestly about their experience, the good bits and the bad and I hope you have managed to take something away from all of their collective experiences.
This is real stories, from real women, living real lives.
This is the final episode.
Listen to Part 1 - Now!
1st January 2017
Listen to Part 2 - Now!
12th February 2017
Listen to Part 3 Now!
2nd April 2017
Listen to Part 4 Now!
28th May 2017
Listen to Part 5 Now!
23rd October 2017
Listen to Part 6 Now!
31st December 2017
Running Order - Each part is about 20 mins
Gemma Smith
Rachel Wise
Rae Red
Laura Try
Jen Dykxhoorn
Jo Jo Rogers
Georgie Akin-Smith
Gemma Smith
December 2017!
Changing her attitude
How Gemma started 2017!
Reflecting back on the past 12 months
Why it was a year of 2 halves…
Being prepared and doing everything she can to make it happen
Not making it to the top of the mountain
Struggling with her work environment
What advice would she give herself?
Forcing herself to rest
Would she change anything in how she approached her challenge
Being a full time adventurer….
Being realistic
Sharing more about herself
2018… Why it’s challenges not goals!
Getting her Mountain Leader Award
Doing a challenge with her mum
Big plans for 2019
How she will be spending New Year!
Advice and tips for you!
Follow along on her blog - https://gemlaurensmith.com
Gemma is on Instagram @GemLaurenSmith & also on Twitter @GemlaurenSmith
Rachel Wise
Back in the UK…. a slight change of plans!
The transition from St.Lucia to Malaysia
Miami - Staying in a cool hip hostel!
The girls & their schooling!
Getting into nice groove but needing to move on
Having more of a purpose…
Sri Lanka…. staying the wrong places… meeting new people!
Surf school for the girls!
Dealing with the tough times
The girls becoming better friends!
Keeping motivated with school work
Cutting short their time in Sir Lanka
The money and the budget!
Being back in the UK in Winter…
Spending time with family over Christmas
Flying back to KL on the 1st January
Slowing down time….
What she is most proud of?
What has she learned the most?
The blog?!
What advice would she give herself?
6 months into the adventure!
Being excited by 2018!
Looking forward to going home
The website - slowtravelfamily.com
You can read about Rachel’s family’s adventures at slowtravelfamily.com!
Rae Read
What’s been happening since we last spoke!
Wanting to have a home birth…
14 hours at home… heading to hospital
Having an emergency c-section & dealing with complications
Grieving for her ultra
Having a different view of her body
Leading by example & wanting to be proud of herself
Taking each day as it comes
Dealing with sleep deprivation
Having a different relationship with food
Setting up mum’s groups
Gear 4 Outdoor Women - Facebook Group JOIN!
Having to make do with gear!
2018 Goals - Marathons, Sailing & ML!
Freedom Outdoors - supporting women
Why 2017 has been a huge year!
Get in contact with Rae via Facebook or her blog
Laura Try
Speaking to us from Lagamara in the Canary Islands
Changing her job!
Thinking back to December 2016
The money and raising the money!
Putting her health at risk and being depressed
“She’s so lucky”
Going to bed at 4 am - getting up at 7 am
Not wanting to get carried away
Key moments
What would she tell herself 12 months ago?
Her motivation and why having accountability helped
Not caring what other people think
The Atlantic Challenge… needing to raise £100,000
Plans for 2018
Wanting to be a little bit normal
Follow Laura on her social media channels @LTFactor
Jen Dyxhoorn
Being in Guatemala!
Travelling to Asia & Australia
Doing her PADI Open Water qualification
Looking back on 2017 and why it was an interesting year
Travelling, physical challenges and dealing with research issues and maintaining motivation
Wanting to develop a home base and a community
What advice would she give herself 12 months ago
The unexpected thing she has learned about herself
Having the capacity to figure things out
Tips & tricks to help mange her anxiety
Her passion for her passion planner!
Champagne goals and every day magic goals
Her most powerful motivator
Looking back at LEJOG & practical changes she would have made
Advice and tips for making 2018 and epic and adventure filled year
“Decide what to be and go be it”
You can follow Jen’s adventures at lovelyoutliers.com, or on Twitter @jendykxhoorn and Instagram @lovelyoutlier
Jo Jo Rogers
Happy December!
Her BIG Race in December!
The November Challenge!
29,000 people involved in the challenge… 12 days behind
Her master plan!!
Going for the top 10!!
Her mileage… 140 mile week, 150 mile week, 160 mile week!!!
Tired, cranky and hungry!
Withdraw from challenge…
Being in a dark place with running.. why she wasn’t loving it
Going running when she didn’t feel like it
Not wanting to get competitive with the tribe!
Being smart about her taper
Getting to Florida for the race
Getting the tactics right for the race - a 5 loop course
Not making her goals - but why it was still worth it all
What she has leaned this year
Watch out 2018!
Advice for getting off the couch!!!
Plans for 2018
Georgie Akin-Smith
2 more challenges to go!
The Bournemouth Marathon
15k Trail Run in the dark!
Over training and how she prepared herself for the Bournemouth Marathon
What she’s learned from the mental side of training
Why she found the marathon harder than she expected
Wanting to do another marathon!
The Wall!!
Running in the dark & getting the bug for trail running!
Coming 3rd female!
Fresh air and nature!
Advice for doing 12 challenges in 12 months
What she’s learned on the journey
How to break the challenge down into manageable chunks
Her motivation for the challenges
Her final 2 challenges!
Taking a dip in the sea on Christmas Day!!
Her plans for 2018! An ultra trail run…. 46 miles in May!
Getting the courage to enter the race!
Final words of advice and tips for your 2018 challenges
Getting her blog updated!
Georgie is blogging about her challenges at www.gwhodares.com
A massive thank you to all the
women involved in this 2017 project.
If you want to do something - DO IT!!
Take that first step, write down your goals and go for it, there is nothing stopping you. xx
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