Have an inkling of adventure in you that’s yearning to get out? Or do you simply want to cultivate more adventure in your life? Faye Shepherd had the same desire in 2014. Since climbing Kilimanjaro, this inspiring woman has cycled the length of New Zealand solo and spent 6 months cycling the Andes.
Giving each challenge an aspect of charity, Faye pushes herself to accept new challenges each year and experience more of what the world has to offer. Get inspired to bring more adventure into your own life with snippets from Faye’s own journey.
1. Fuel Your Fire and Go
Faye grew up a very shy person and didn’t like to spend many nights away from home. Eventually, she got to a point where she knew she had to step out of her comfort zone and see what else was out there in the world. Faye ended up working in a wildlife sanctuary in Texas for 6 months. Taking her first trip far from home was scary, but Faye ended up making a great friend who she went travelling with later. She learned life skills like surviving on peanut butter sandwiches and a small budget.
Travelling at any age is life-changing. The first step to getting there is fueling that desire to see more and step out of what’s comfortable. Then you have to take action and make it happen. Faye’s a great example of how doing something you’ve never done before can lead you down an entirely new and exciting path.
2. Set an Inspiring Goal
Going on adventures is more about the challenge than actually being an adventurer for Faye. While seeing new places is one thing, pushing herself to new levels is another important aspect of anything Faye does. In 2014, Faye started a new challenge after getting tired of the 9-5 treadmill. A friend of hers asked if she wanted to join a Mount Kilimanjaro climb and Faye decided to give it a go despite having no experience.
During this expedition, Faye pushed herself beyond anything she’d ever done before and was ultimately able to accomplish her goal. This accomplishment sparked Faye’s adventure bug and inspired her to take on new challenges each year. It’s amazing how one challenge can really get your adventure mojo going and lead to the next great experience!
3. Cultivate it Every Day
Your adventurous spirit doesn’t have to hibernate for 6 months at a time between trips. Faye has done a fantastic job of bringing a little bit of adventure and excitement into her everyday life. After learning about micro-adventures, Faye realised there is adventure after the 9-5.
While Faye and her friends went on several micro-adventures sleeping on the beach and such, she decided she wanted even more of the outdoors outside of work. The search and rescue team in Faye’s area was her answer. She applied to get on and has been on the team ever since then. Faye is on call 365 days a year and trains once a week in navigation, equipment, first aid, working with helicopters, and more. Despite being completely inexperienced at the beginning, Faye put herself out there and has done the hard work to bring something meaningful into her everyday life.
Think about what everyday adventures might look like for you. What kind of time could you devote to this endeavour? What are you interested in learning more about? Take time to self-reflect and go for it.
4. Take on Something Bigger
On social media, Faye saw someone going to run the length of New Zealand solo. Inspired by this idea, she decided she could do something similar. Because she was going to New Zealand for a friend’s wedding anyway, Faye borrowed a friend’s bike and equipment and decided to cycle New Zealand.
Taking a leap to do an adventure of this size led to colossal anxiety before the trip. Looking back, Faye sees how illogical fears can be before a challenge. “You have to push through the anxiety because you don’t know what will happen,” Faye advised. “Try and be bold. Face your anxieties head-on, give it a go, and commit.” The added pressure of telling someone about the adventure you’re going to do or doing it for charity can ensure that you stick with something scary.
5. Push Past Doubts
Faye’s cycling adventure began in a freak snowstorm. She honestly wondered if could go through with the challenge, but after a while, she realized how ridiculous her thoughts were. She was in an amazing country, going on an amazing adventure. At the hostel that night, Faye made a pact to herself that she wouldn’t think these negative thoughts the entire trip.
Cycling New Zealand began Faye’s love of cycling and led to a later adventure cycling the Andes. Through all the ups and downs of adventurous challenges, Faye says it’s so important to do something that scares you. If you have that one thing that you’ve been wanting to do, make a commitment to yourself and do it. You will not regret it and you will be OK. Now is the time to get started cultivating your adventure mojo and pushing yourself to new heights.
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Learn more about Faye
Website: https://fayeshepherd.wordpress.com
Twitter: @Faye_Shepherd
Instagram: @faye_shepherd
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