After being away for 3 weeks, I knew it was going to be challenging coming back. But I am where I am and I knew this was going to happen.
Now it’s all about getting organised and getting on top of everything, so I feel more in control. I basically need about a day or two to get things sorted. I can then start looking ahead once I’ve caught up.
Money Update
At the moment, I don't have any more expenses coming up over the next few months (Just PT (£300) and getting some massages (£100) So once I’ve paid for those, that’s it really)
Camp America has stopped doing interviews and they don’t really start again until September, so I won’t be able to make any extra cash that way
I will be cancelling my DD for my gym at the end of July as that will then get me though to the end of August (saving me £40 going forward)
I may be able to get a few more shifts at the local cafe on the weekends
I do need to get a few more coaching clients on board (I’m working with 2 people at the moment, and would only want to take on 2 more)
School speaking gigs are not really happening over the summer months and I’ll be gone when they start up again in September.
Now even more so, it’s really important for me to be super strict with my budget over the coming months. Ever penny really does count. No more social life for me - not that I really had one!)
I do want to run an online blogging and podcasting workshop as well - this is just a case of me figuring out how to do it, putting a date in the diary, deciding on a price and promoting it. But I need to move on this sooner rather that later.
I paid for my NYC expenses on my Halifax Clarity Credit Card (no extra fees while in the Staes)- I need to check balance and clear before the end of the month.
I paid for my London travel expenses on my Amex (air miles are always good to collect!) - I need to check amounts and clear by the end of the month (apart from the £55 on food - I didn’t spend anything else, my transport is all being paid for)
I need to invoice re Royal Ascot and selling Top Hats - which will go straight into my saving account for my trip.
I also need to consider that I won’t be able to supplement my current patreon income while I’m away (unless I get some paid speaking gigs), so I really will be limited to what I can save before I go and what I will be getting from patrons while I’m travelling. Obviously the more patrons, the more opportunities and the more flexibility I have about future opportunities.
To Do
Write thank you cards to people I’ve connected with over the past 3 weeks
Send post cards to Patrons (20 to write and send)
Work out costs for Travel - Uber costs from NYC to be split with Adelaide.
Work out travel costs for Ascot
Invoice for Royal Ascot - expenses, travel etc
Thank you card for friends I’ve stayed with
Follow up and connect with the women from NYC (Social media - Linkedin etc)
Edit vlog footage from NYC about 3 days worth
Upload vlogs to youtube - share and promote on social media
Create new playlist on Youtube for NYC (include FB Live posts)
Upload photos to Instagram re NYC and add caption & hashtags
Upload photos from Appalachian Trail and add caption & hashtags
Upload photos from Ascot and add caption & hashtags
Share new podcast episode - Instagram (Stories and main page) & FB
Share new Friday blog posts - Instagram (Stories and main page) & FB
Re write diary for w/c 25th June
Book in yoga sessions (I have about 3 left on my prepaid card)
Tell the coffee shop I’m back to get some more shifts booked in
Book in PT sessions - first one is happening Friday
Reach out to new guests for the podcast 17 interviews to get booked in. I’m going to get women to connect with me and ask them to send me a bio, a headshot, and social media links so it makes it easier at my end)
I will also dedicate a week for just interviewing (I’ll create an invite using Calendly)
Reach out to my special guest re 4th August (3 year anniversary) and get the interview booked in - plan questions
Prepare for next dissertation supervisor meeting - 6th July
Re listen to 4 podcasts episodes and double check transcripts for dissertation
Contact the 4 women I’ve selected and let them know I will be using them in my dissertation
Make changes to my dissertation as per my last meeting with my supervisor.
Create artwork for 3 Friday blog posts
Upload 3 Friday blog posts on to website for July.
Spend time in the Tribe (Closed FB Group) and respond to comments, questions etc and add value.
Research Cabo, Mexico for a cool place to stay after my trip (I’m looking for wifi & a swimming pool!)
Sign up for WarmShowers and create my profile. I’d like to get my first few nights booked in - to be honest I can’t at this moment in time plan for much further than that.
I need to figure out finances and see how much I’ve managed to make from this London work trip and I need to pay for my PT and accommodation over in Canada which has now been booked! The rest will go into my savings account and will be used to pay for my insurance which I still need to figure out.
I’m due for an upgrade on my phone, so I need to call up and arrange a upgrade of my phone. I desperately need a new phone which has more storage capacity, as my phone has none! At the moment I pay £24 a month, so really don’t want to pay much more than that.
I think that is everything, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with what’s going on at the moment, but once I get on top of it all, and I can tick a few more things off my list, I know I will be in a better place.
The 10 week count down starts now and it’s going to fly by.
My main priorities are
Tough Girl Podcast - keep new episodes coming out every Tuesday at 7 am and start to schedule episodes in advance
Dissertation - 20,000 words to write before the 31st August. I have 2 more meetings left with my supervisor and I’m 7,500 words in….
Health and fitness - Glutes, knees and weight. My knees are not good, because my glutes are not firing as they should. I need to get this fixed and get stronger. I’m not happy with where my weight is at the moment as I’m a lot heavier than I normally am. However, I do need to start with extra weight before my trip (as I’ll probably lose quite a bit) - I just feel very uncomfortable at this weight and I feel it does impact on my mental well being, there is a bit of back and forth happening at the moment in my head, as I want to get back to my normal size, but I also know carrying this extra weight is a positive thing for when I start my adventure in September! I really need to focus on packing on muscle and building up some endurance on a bike!
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