Caroline has spent over 10 years working in ski patrol rescue and most recently as a SAR (Search and Rescue) dog handler. She is passionate about ski touring and generally being outside in nature. She enjoys sharing her professional experience with others, helping to train adults and youngsters in snow awareness so they can go out and enjoy the mountains to the full.
During this podcast we will learn more about Caroline and how her love for skiing grew and what path she choose to get to where she is now, from training over in the Southern Hemisphere in Australia, to following a man to France where she is now based, and doing what she loves.
Caroline talks about her passion for the mountains, and what her role is like on a day to day basis, as well as the emotional toll working search and rescue can have. Caroline is also working on getting the message out regarding health and safety on the mountains and provides tips and advice to help you when you’re over there.
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Show notes
Being based in the Pyrenees
Her job titles
Her dog Fjord
How she got to France
Spending time in an Australian Ski Resort
Having to get re-qualified in France
Learning to ski when she was 10 years old
Her love of skiing
Going to study Germany and being a freestyle skier
Breaking her leg in Austria and not being put off
Working in Austria as a ski instructor
Dealing with her fear of going skiing again
What she loves about skiing
Why she wanted to become part of the ski rescue team
What it’s like on a day to day basis
Being trained in snow observations
Bombing the slopes
Dealign with avalanches
Being caught in an avalanche
Working with her dog Fjord
Why she decided to call her do Fjord
What they will do, if there is an avalanche
How she stayed focused while working in high stress situations
Dealing with the emotions both positive and negative and why sometimes you need to take a step back
Her pet hates on the mountains
Advice and tips for the mountains
Why it’s important to know your own level
Follow your gut instinct
Working in a male dominated environment
Why she is moving into the educational side
Teaching children safety in the mountains
How she has developed her own mental resilience
Taking her ski test
What she has leant over the past 10 years being a female and a foreigner
French men…
Top tips for you in the mountains
Social Media
Website - www.fjordsar.weebly.com
Twitter - @FjordSar & @Caroline64SAR
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