“Slow down. Stop running. Pregnant and postpartum women have heard this advice since the beginning of time. Many runners have no idea what they can and cannot do during pregnancy and postpartum, leaving them unsure, scared, and susceptible to injury.”
During this podcast, we talk with Kate and Blair about their first book. Go Ahead, Stop and Pee: Running During Pregnancy and Postpartum. This book throws out all those old wives’ tales and proves that women can keep running—during and after pregnancy. All they need is the right information.
More info about the book:
Written by two moms and physical therapists who also have a passion for running, Go Ahead, Stop and Pee is a fresh voice that empowers women to maintain their running lifestyle during pregnancy and postpartum. Combining first-hand experiences as well as science.
During this episode we discuss:
Common myths about running pregnant and postpartum
A few key exercises for pregnant runners
What the pelvic floor is and why it’s so important
The 4th Trimester
Tips for running with a stroller/pram
Plus much more!
This podcast episode is ideal for any soon-to-be or new mom who wants to keep on running and wants to be as informed as possible.
Listen to Dr. Kate & Dr. Blair Now!
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Show notes
Meeting Kate and Blair
Finding out more about their running backstories
How running became a lifestyle
Getting pregnant during triathlon training
Myths around running while pregnant
Myths around postpartum running
Key things that pregnant women need to know about running
Pelvic floor muscles
The power of the breath
What is the 4th trimester?
Postpartum is forever
The reasons for writing the book
Kate’s story of returning to running after pregnancy
Ending up with a stress fracture
Being at a higher risk of stress fractures when you’re breast feeding
Blair’s story of returning to running after pregnancy
Dealing with a hip injury
Taking years to be able to run without pain
Having a plan to get back into running
Top tips for new mothers
Getting a pelvic health check done
Running with a stroller
Check out this Youtube video for running with a stroller
Favourite exercise and where to start Barefoot training
Final words of advice
Social Media
Dr. Kate Edwards
Endurance athlete guru, PT, author, biz owner & educator helping
PTs widen the lens on treating endurance athletes
Website: www.katemihevcedwards.com
Instagram @katemihevcedwards
Facebook @KateMihevcEdwards.
Dr. Blair Green - Pelvic Guru
Website www.catalystga.com
Facebook @CatalystGA
Twitter @Catalyst_GA
Go Ahead, Stop and Pee
Facebook @goaheadstopandpee
Instagram @goaheadstopandpee.
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