Last year Georgina Cleere Won the Women’s Soloist title at Revolve24 2016 completing 127 laps (305 miles) and climbing 8,128m (26,670 feet).
Her passion had always been horses, and horses were her life, her own horse Mr Darcy broke his leg and had to be put down and this changed her life. She no longer had a social life, she no longer did exercise, she had no direction and didn't know what to do with her time.
She decided to buy a bike through the Cycle to Work Scheme, and with the encouragement from her husband, she joined a cycling club and soon found herself cycling all the time.
This is her story of how cycling has changed her life, she shares the challenges she faced, the learnings she's made and her plans for the future as well as her dream to ride non-stop across America.
Listen now!
Show notes
Her childhood and adventures with horses, including her very own Mr Darcy
Finding her feet again through losing her horse and her father being ill
Starting to ride a bike through the Cycle to Work Scheme
Finding a cycle club and the surprises of going cycling with experienced bikers
Discovering the buzz of cycling and getting into the sport
Entering her first Sportive and overcoming her nerves about riding 60 miles for the first time!
Handling the doubts and worries about rides, and keeping her spirits up
Taking on even longer distances with some friends, and discovering a love of pushing her boundaries
Saving her bottom! Sharing her tips for avoiding a sore bottom from hours in the saddle.
Revolve 24 as a team and deciding to go solo
Cycling powered by rice pots and wotsits!
Breaking up the 24hours and keeping herself going
Her race strategy and her surprise win at Revolve 24
Her dream challenge for the future – RAAM!
Aiming high for the Ultramarathon Cyclists Association
Fitting everything in within the day between life and training
Starting to train with a coach and the difference the structure has made, learning to push herself in new ways
Her tips for getting into cycling as a woman if you’re nervous
Social Media
Say hi to Gina on twitter - @GinaCleere1
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