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Jacki Hill-Murphy - Expedition to travel the length of the Amazon River & The Lost Inca Trail Ex

Jacki Hill-Murphy - Expedition to travel the length of the Amazon River & The Lost Inca Trail Expedition!

Jacki Hill-Murphy MA, FRGS is an explorer, teacher, film maker and speaker and has spent the past few years exploring and filming some of the most inhospitable and remote places on earth. There are many reasons why she loves being an explorer including gathering memorable experiences that last forever recorded on film and in writing, pushing herself to the limit and being loosed from her cultural moorings.

Recreating the Journeys of the Early Women Explorers Project

Jacki has recreated the journeys of:

  • Isabella Godin, the first women down the Amazon in 1769. This was done by travelling down the River Bobonaza in Ecuador and onto the River Pastaza in Peru in a dugout canoe and investigating the real truth behind her story at each landmark.

  • Mary Kingsley, who climbed Mount Cameroon in Africa in 1894 by a new route and nearly perished from the shear enormity of the the undertaking.

  • Isabela Brookes, who died in the Llanganates in Ecuador in 1912. This was part of the ‘Search for Gold’ expedition that she organised with Ken Hames of BBC Beyond Boundaries as survival leader.

  • Isabella Bird, who crossed the Digar-La Pass in Ladakh on a yak in 1889. Jacki relived every aspect of Isabella’s book during her 150 mile trek which included finding the house she stayed in and having tea with the King of Ladakh.

  • Kate Marsden who undertook a gruelling journey by horse, sledge and cart thousands of miles across Siberia to take relief to the lepers in 1892. Jacki replicated her journey as closely as possible on buses, trains and boats.


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Show notes

  • Where her passion for adventure comes from

  • The different adventures she’s done since we last spoke

  • The Amazon expedition

  • Why you should announce your plans and share it with the world

  • Figuring out how to make the journey happen

  • Finding the one person who could get her down the river safely

  • Funding the adventure

  • Liking to create opportunities for others

  • The safety challenges of going to such remote places

  • The impact of oil and logging on local tribes in the jungle

  • The risks and dealing with fear

  • Meeting the other members of the team

  • Day to day life

  • Figuring out the food

  • The anti climax at the end of the journey

  • Reflecting back on 2017

  • Moving house from the city to the countryside

  • 2018 - The Lost Inca Trail

  • The challenges of the jungle

  • Following a 500 year old map…

  • Leading a team of all women

  • Walking the length of the River Thames

  • Under the Sky Events

  • Quick Fire Questions

  • Heading to Nigeria

  • The next dream - Sir Samuel and Lady Florence Baker Historical Trail (Sudan-Uganda)

  • Final words of advice to encourage you to explore the world!


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Director of Under The Sky CIC


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Have a fantastic week! Sarah x

Listen to the first episode we did with Mimi. Click the PLAY button below!



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