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Dr. Betty Holston Smith - 79 a master class on running, health and fitness.

Michelle Griffith-Robinson - Former GB Olympian, wife, mother of 3, lifestyle coach, personal trainer and Ambassador for Diabetes UK

At 79 years young, Dr. Betty Holston Smith has the fitness level of your average 30-year old and looks at least 20 years younger than she is! Dr. Betty was previously a 200-pound couch potato who loved junk food and smoking. Dr. Betty shares more about how she transformed her life 50 years ago. This really is a master class told by a phenomenal story teller, who goes into the details. During this podcast episode Dr. Betty shares more about her early life, how she got into running, how she changed her diet, how she trains, and how she copes on 4hrs of sleep a night. At 79 years young Dr. Betty is still running 60 to 100 miles per week! If you want to learn the secrets of running, health and fitness, this is an episode not to be missed. New episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast go live every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am UK time - Make sure you hit the subscribe button so you don’t miss out. The tough girl podcast is sponsorship and ad free thanks to the monthly financial support of patrons. To find out more about supporting your favourite podcast and becoming a patron please check out


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Show notes

  • Speaking to Dr. Betty Holston Smith

  • Being a smoker and eating junk food

  • Being 200lbs overweight

  • Why she decided to lose weight

  • Trying all of the crazy diets

  • Being inspired by Dr. Mirkin

  • Why nutrition and movement is so important

  • Advice for movement - Get outside 3x a week for 30 mins

  • Why you need to strengthen your heart

  • Why you need to eat, fruit, vegetables, whole foods, seeds and nuts

  • What Dr. Betty eats on a daily basis

  • Falling in love with running and how it became the core of her life

  • Starting to feel the difference in her life

  • Running ultra marathons and having no need for recovery

  • The good things that have come from her lifestyle

  • Being monitored by John Hopkins Hospital

  • Thriving on 4hrs of sleep a night

  • Doing relationship based coaching

  • The importance of respecting the body

  • Stretching and doing Tai Chi for 40 years

  • Growing up in virgin woods and falling in love with mother nature

  • Growing up as 1 of 6 children

  • Her favourite shoes - Vivo Barefoot

  • Running marathons on 6 continents

  • Running a half marathon (22 miles) on the Great Wall of China

  • Running and teaching deep water running

  • Setting up your body for running

  • The benefits of chia seeds

  • The power of having good posture

  • Lessons from Michael Jackson with his pelvis

  • Needing a strong core to be any kind of runner

  • Why you need to have relaxed shoulders

  • Why running should be moving meditation

  • Writing her book - Lifestyle by Nature: One Woman's Break from the Unhealthy Herd to Roam Forever Healthy in Nature's Lifestyle Change Herd

  • Focusing on what you love and what you are passionate about

  • Wanting to run for the rest of her life

  • Passion and perseverance

  • Not caring about the finish line

  • The process of changing a lifestyle

  • Going to school during segregation

  • The lifestyle change line

  • On going challenges

  • Running a 901 mile virtual race

  • Looking for more virtual races

  • Not being on social media

  • What her week looks like


Social Media

Book - Lifestyle by Nature: One Woman's Break from the Unhealthy Herd to Roam Forever Healthy in Nature's Lifestyle Change Herd

More about the book:

How are you? If your truest first thoughts in pondering this question are something like "I could be better," this nature-based lifestyle-change book might help. To be healthy, you must take care of all of you because the total you is made up of your entire self, including your body, mind, spirit, soul-your everything.

If one part of you is not up to par in some way or another, it's impossible for your everything else to be totally healthy. You have tried everything your friends, your doctors, and even the advertisement industry recommended for improving your health. But nothing has worked, except to make you a frustrated person.

Close your eyes right now and allow your conscious mind to contemplate your health situation. Be honest. You are not the healthiest that you can or should be. In fact, you are in dire straits according to how you feel and what your medical team says about your health. I know all of this about you because I was you so many years ago.

Like you, for years I followed the same type of diet herd that you have been following. And like you, after trying everything, I had no clue about what to try next. However, I found a clue. Over forty years, I lived the importance of and learned to replicate nature's wisdom on nutrition and movement in my unhealthy lifestyle. Her focus was on naturally changing lifestyles, not on temporary quick fixes. And in the process, she provided me with all types of support to do so. I carefully recorded her step-by-step wisdom and provided the details inside.

Ditch your next quick-fix cosmetic diet, and put your trust in nature's simple but trustworthy lifestyle-change wisdom.


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