Julie Creffield is a women on a mission. She wants to get One Million women in the UK active and running. She’s focused on the women who don’t get any support, the women who may feel they’re too fat, too overweight, and too curvy to do exercise.

Julie has been providing people wrong over the years, she was told by a doctor she was “too fat to run” she wasn’t - she went on to run a marathon.
People have been telling her all her life she’s too fat to do things, she decided enough was enough. Just because you weren’t slim or you don’t fit the stereotypical image of what a women should look like doesn’t mean you can’t do exercise and Julie’s proof of this.
No matter your size, you’ll be able to relate to Julie and the message she’s spreading.
Listen to Julie NOW! Click Play & be ready to be inspired!
Show notes
How the blog idea came about, and how its developed as Julie has grown more comfortable in her own skin
Going back to start and finding out more about Julie and what drives and motivates her
Getting the wake up call, when a child shouted “Run Fatty Run”
Not having the confidence to join a running club, and being embarrassed about running outside.
The far off dream of running a marathon…
The discrimination of women based on their size. The judgement women are constantly under and why it can be easier to not run
Why larger women need to be more visible. Why women of all sizes can get outside and run
Her take on running clubs, but why they don’t necessarily work for working mothers with children.
How being a part of a running club can help you become part of a community and can help with accountability.
One Big Fat Run - A virtual 5K that takes place on the last Sunday of every month
Why it’s about the participation at the end of the day!
Her experience of running the London Marathon and what she learnt most about herself
Top tips for women who want to get out there and start running.
Her program; from couch to 5K and why its not just about the distance, but also about facing fears, creating new habits and becoming a runner.
Facing individuals personal fears; from being seen in public, telling your partner you want to run, wearing lycra, to getting fitted for trainers for the first time.
How running has changed her habits for the better
The Brighton Marathon & why the race stands out for her
Dealing with race pressure and how she learnt to cope with it
Why she’s not concerned about loosing weight anymore - and why for her its about living a healthy and happy life at any size.
Why its about living in the NOW!
Confidence and why you need to understand your WHY!
Her mission - to get 1 Million overweight women in the UK running!
Final words of advice and why you need to learn to trust yourself and make your own decisions - Put Health & Happiness at the forefront of your life.

Check out the Too FAT to RUN Website!
Connect with Julie on Facebook, and twitter @FattyMustRun