In 2012, Kate was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and for the most part, doctors weren’t particularly optimistic about how she could improve her quality of life. Kate was living in the no-man’s land of having received a diagnosis, but nothing was relieving her symptoms.
It took her a few years to find out what the combination of things would be that that would get her system working again. In 2015, Kate began training for her first triathlon, following her fist success a few months, later she had set her sights on doing an half-Ironman!
Training for Kate was really intense, and she often found it frustrating, because she felt sick and fatigued more often than other athletes, it was also taking her longer to recovery. Nonetheless, she persisted, and for Kate her goal of finishing a half-Ironman was her way of saying to the world that she was in charge of her body.
Kate made the decision that it was all about her mindset and deciding to make the conscious choices to practice courage even after setbacks. During this podcast, Kate will teach you how to change your old patterns of self-doubt and create new courageous habits, which is turn will help you lead a more courageous life. Kate will share more detail about the powerful principles of habit-formation, psychological courage and emotional resilience.
*Please note this episode has been marked as explicit.
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Show notes
Being an endurance geek
What she loves about sport and why she is all in
Why she started to run
Running her first mile
Using running for stress management until she over did it
Not being able to walk
Have serious issues with her Cuboid Bone (bone in the foot)
Getting through tough times and how she coped
Dealing with perfectionism
Being treated as disabled
Seeing Dr. Paul Walton Chiropractor
Dealing with pain for over a year
Getting back to running again and deciding to run a marathon
Getting a stress fracture
Getting over mental blocks and the importance of a strong foundation
Flirting with self destruction
Balancing the drive and ambition with listening to your body
The importance of listening to your body e.g. energy levels, sleeping, HR monitor, wearing a Fitbit everyday
Getting into cross fit
Burnout - over training?
The courage habit and linking it to the first step
Dealing with her inner critic
Starting at zero
Why she got into triathlon
Her first Ironman…..
Why stopping was not an option
Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and how it changed her life (2012)
The power of the mind/body connection
The Courage Habits: How to Accept Your Fears, Release the Past, and Live Your Courageous Life
The Courage Habit Podcast
Quick Fire Questions
Social Media
Web ::
Instagram :: @katecourageous
FaceBook : @YourCourageousLife
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