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Katherine Knight A qualified Yachtmaster Ocean, offshore racer & has won international speed sailing

Katherine Knight - A qualified Yachtmaster Ocean, offshore racer and has won international speed sailing competitions as well as the women's European title in her Moth.

As her day job, Katherine works as a physiotherapist for the Swedish Olympic sailing team. In her double life she is a qualified Yachtmaster Ocean, offshore racer and has won international speed sailing competitions and the women's European title in her foiling Moth. She has sailed in the far north and rounded Cape Horn.

However and wherever she has travelled, her inspiration has remained the same, to share the beauty and fun of playing outdoors and inspire everyone to follow their own adventure.


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Show notes

  • Growing up in the Midlands

  • Being a sailor since she was a young age

  • Where her love of sailing came from

  • Wanting to turn her hobby into a job

  • Female role models growing up

  • Going back to uni and training as a physics

  • Working with the Olympic sailing team, and getting to head to London & Rio

  • Sailing a ‘Moth’

  • Competing at the Europeans and the world championships

  • Learning new skills & trying new boats out

  • Meeting new people who became like a family

  • Training to get in shape for sailing

  • What it’s like at a sailing championships and how it all works

  • What’s most challenging when competing

  • The most memorable moment from competing

  • Staying calm under pressure

  • Framing the situation and how it can help in situations

  • Narwhal Expeditions and wanting to get more into the exploring of the world

  • Wanting to share more of her travel experiences with other people

  • Future expedition plans

  • What life is like living on the boat full time

  • Spending time in Scotland on Narwhal

  • The ultimate dream… the North West Passage

  • Book - How to have an Adventure

  • Planning an expedition - top tips

  • Making your expedition a reality and why it comes down to your mindset

  • Chocolate bars…. and chunking it down into smaller pieces to make it more manageable

  • Advice for finding your passion

  • Why you need to listen to yourself

  • Spending Spring in South America

  • The bucket list!

  • Wanting to learn to Scuba Dive!

  • Advice and tips for your next challenge and why you need to get out there and make it happen


Social Media

Facebook: @YachtNarwhal

Instagram: @YachtNarwhal


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