Kristina shares more about her journey into running and how she ended up becoming the World Record holder for - 48 hour treadmill running! Kristina is an introvert by nature, but she asked herself the question; “What can I do with this ability to run?”.
In 2015, Kristina took it upon herself to challenge her own personal fears and prejudices. Kristina made the decision to run alone across Iran, a distance of 1,840 kilometres.
In the process, Kristina, became the first women to have run across Iran. She was running an average of 37 kilometres per day. She started in Bazargan by the Turkish border and finished in Bajgiran on the north-eastern border, the run took her 59 days to complete.
Kristina filmed the journey and created a film called: Alone Through Iran - 1144 Miles of Trust.
During this podcast, we will learn more about Kristina, her life, the challenges she has faced, how she has overcome failure, how she set a world record for treadmill running, as well as life on the road while running across Iran. We also talk about kindness, learning how to say no and why you have to be yourself.
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Show notes
Some of the challenges Kristina has done
Her early years growing up and being shy
Taking the first steps of adventure
Having her life turned upside down
Losing everything that she thought was important at 32
Being afraid of failure
Travelling around China and SE Asia
Starting to run more and more
Deciding to set a world record for running on a treadmill
“What can I do with this ability to run?”
Deciding to run through Iran
Planning the run
Dealing with all of the What If’s
Writing down her fears (22 in total)
What can I do to prevent the fears?
Creating a network in Iran
The kindness of strangers offering support
The fear of never being left along
Being introverted
What life was like on the road while running through Iran
Miscommunication and cultural confusion
Being an introvert on the road
Needing to be alone
Having to be careful about what she wrote in her blog
Writing a book about her run, 2 years later
Needing time to digest everything that happened
How the run impacted her life going forward
Having a great belief in human kindness
Quitting her job to do the run and coming back unemployed
Making a documentary about the run
Dealing with the huge amount of publicity after the run
How the run has changed her life
Contributing to reforms in Iran
Introducing a 10K run in Iran in 2018
Courage and why it’s good to be a woman
Why feelings are just feelings
Why it’s ok to be scared
Why you have to focus on what you want to create
How to handle fear
Staying focused on your goal
The motivation to carry on when things are tough
Focusing on the - ‘Right Now’
Let it go
Not being able to say no
Needing her own space
Why being kind to ourselves can be the hardest thing to do
Quick Fire Questions
Be Yourself
Social Media
Personal Website - https://palten.se/en/start-en/
Website Alone through Iran - https://www.alonethroughiran.com
Facebook @kristina.palten
Instagram @kristina_palten
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