During this podcast we catch up with Leanne Spencer who we first spoke with in June 2018.
Since we last spoke Leanne and her partner Antonia have gone on to complete the world toughest ski race - the Arctic Circle Race in Greenland. We learn more about the reasons behind the challenge, how they trained and prepared, what it was like when they were over there, the challenges they faced, from going to the toilet to dealing with the stress and anxiety from the race. They share top tips and advice which you will be able to apply to your own personal challenge.
Leanne are Antonia are super down to earth, very friendly and have a wealth of experience to share! Enjoy! But be warned listening to this episode will encourage you to go after your own personal challenge!
Leanne Spencer
Leanne is an award-winning entrepreneur, Six Signals® Coach, double-bestselling author and TEDx Speaker. Along with Antonia, she is the co-founder of Bodyshot Performance. Leanne regularly speaks to audiences all over the UK on topics around fitness, health, wellbeing, burnout and corporate resilience. Leanne is an advocate for gender equality.
Antonia Bannasch
Antonia is a health and fitness expert and Six Signals® Coach. Antonia loves health, fitness, skiing and challenging herself. Personal interests are in supporting charities that are searching for a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease.
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Take a listen to Leanne Spencer on the Tough Girl Podcast
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Show notes
How the seed got planted to do the Arctic Circle Race
Racing in the Rat Race Coast to Coast in Scotland
Wanting to get away from running and cycling
The power of google..
“Let’s challenge ourselves and learn how to cross country ski!”
Wanting to raise funds at the same time
18 months to plan and prepare
Learning how to ski on roller skates!
Feeling of fear and starting to feel uncomfortable
Struggling to find the hours to train during the day
The challenges of fundraising while running a business
Costs involved from doing a challenge like this
Antonia on fitness and how she added to her fitness routine
Hacking movement into their day
Active transport
Raising funds for Alzheimer's Research UK
Top tips for raising funds
Being in a partnership - the pro’s and the cons’
Heading over to Greenland
Dealing with pre race nerves
Race strategy and wanting to finish the race
Dealing with the challenges of the changing weather and trying to regulate your body temperature
The structure of the race and how it works
How do you pee?
Reflecting back and what was the biggest challenge that they had to overcome
The kindness of other people
Wanting to stop after day 1
How to cope with anxiety during an event
Providing emotional support for your partner during challenging times
Reflecting back on the challenge - the worlds toughest ski race
Top tips for the Arctic Circle Race
What was the best piece of kit?
Mantra’s or counting?
Best item of food?
Podcast - Remove the Guesswork
Next challenge for 2021 - The Iceman Polar Challenge….
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