Currently there is no Tour De France for women so a women’s team called the ‘InternationElles’ decided to cycle the whole course but start a day before the men’s race in order to raise awareness about this inequality.
The InternationElles team are riding each day alongside female team Donnons Des Elles Au Vélo J-1 - the French group of riders who launched the riding challenge five years ago and have continued every year since. This year, the teams are hoping their new collective power will send a clear message to the sporting world - to give women’s cycling the equal opportunities it deserves.
Pippa was part of this international team of women who set out to show the world why women should be a part of races like this. In this podcast we catch up with Pippa who shares more about joining the team, the planning and preparation before and during the race - the 2019 Tour route will be the most mountainous in the event’s 106-year history. And unlike the men, the female teams will have to cycle alongside cars and other vehicles that wouldn't ordinarily be permitted during the official tour.
Pippa shares more about her love of being in the mountains and what the magical moments where while out riding. Pippa gives us an incite into life on the road during the tour from Brussels to Paris, 21 stage, 3,460kms as part of an all women team of 10.
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Listen to the first episode we did with Pippa
Show notes
Learning more about Pippa
Cycling the Tour de France - a day before the men!
What is the Tour de France
Why this challenge is so important for women
21stage race, starting in Brussels and fishing in Paris
The InternationElles cycling team and fighting for equality
Who is behind the InternationElles and how she became a part of the team
The logistical nightmare of the race
riding with 23 women to fight for equality
Being in Brussels before the start of the race
Dealing with the nerves before the race
Getting into a proper routine while on the road
Hitting the mountains and loving climbing especially in Stage 6 of the Tour
Getting to Paris and completing the journey!
The last day in the mountains and the challenges they dealt with
Wanting to cross the line together as a team
Dealing with weather challenges
How her body coped with the physical demands
The mental side of the challenge
Team work and what her role was
Rest and recovery routines
Having no time and having to focus on the practical things
What Pippa would have done differently if she did it again
The press, and the support for equality
The Tour de France and the group they have set up to launch a women’s event
Why as individuals we cal alls do something
What’s next for Pippa
How her family supported on the tour
Being away from her son
A documentary? A film?
This is our time - advert
Final words of advice and why you need to believe in yourself
Social Media
Facebook: @theveloroos, @InternationElles
Twitter: @internationEll2
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