Tina created the Running for Real Community to foster a healthy mindset around running. This is a space where runners can explore, embrace, and get better from setbacks through inspiring podcasts, videos, and blog posts, and most importantly, sharing thoughts and experiences. Behind every personal best, there are plenty of personal not-so-bests, from beating ourselves up about just-missed PRs to the injury blues to embarrassing falls. Running can really hurt, but we don’t have to go through it alone.
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Show notes
Moving over to America at 18 in 2007
Meeting her husband in the States
Running when she was younger
Doing cross country at school and hiding in the toilets
Making the school team and coming 4th in a competition
Deciding she wanted to win
Joining a running club
Being coached by Brad Plummer in the UK
Deciding to leave her family and friends to go to America, but knowing it was the right thing to do
How training in America is very different to training in the UK
Loving the routine and living the running lifestyle
Running 7 days a week
quantity verses quality in running
Training for different race distances from 800m to 10K on the track
Learning how to run on tired training
Loving the 5k race distance
Being emotionally drained while running
Where she gets her drive and determination from
Wanting to wear the GB Vest
How to qualify for the GB Team and the stress behind trying to qualify
Achieving her lifetime goals of representing Great Britain
Running 2.36 mins
Running by feel and not looking at her watch
Trying to break the 2.40 barrier
Her favourite part of London Marathon - crossing Tower Bridge
Time to Say Goodbye: When You Have Grown Apart From What You Love the Most
Falling out of love with running
Not having a period for 9 years
Her identity and how it was/is tied into being a runner
Talking to her husband about her decision and having to make her own decision
Speaking to doctors and experts about her period and not being able to get an answer
Book - No Period Now What
Telling the world and being honest with the world
Her plan for the future
Freedom to decide what she wants to do and looking for joy
Deciding to start a podcast and the reasons behind it - Live from April 14th
The Running for Real Community
It’s not about comparison - it’s about you!
Being real about running!
Social Media
Facebook - Running for Real
Twitter - @tinamuir
Instagram - @tinamuir88
Blog - TinaMuir.com
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