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Lauren Gay - Travel Blogger & Podcaster - Inspiring Black women to embrace nature and the outdoors.

Michelle Griffith-Robinson - Former GB Olympian, wife, mother of 3, lifestyle coach, personal trainer and Ambassador for Diabetes UK

Lauren is a single mom with a propensity for adventures, travel, and nature. Lauren works as a travel writer and social media influencer who is passionate about inspiring black women to step out of their comfort zones to have experiences in travel and adventure, to use nature as healing and therapy, and to embrace outdoor recreation.

Lauren in her own words:

I don’t believe we were put on this earth just to exist. We are here to learn as much as we can and leave our imprints as we go. People have always been encouraged and even surprised at the things I’ve been able to expose my son to. Especially, because as a black single mother, exposing my son to things like hiking, snorkeling, and camping are seen as out of the ordinary in our community.

I decided that a life this blessed deserved to be shared. If I inspire anyone at all to pursue a dream, to step out of their norm, and to really take time to appreciate the beauty of the world we live in then it will all be worth it. Being the “Outdoorsy” type doesn’t mean you wear cammo or that you’re any less feminine. And being feminine and liking designer purses doesn’t mean you can’t connect with nature, even if you make a fool of yourself in the process. If this girl can get in touch with her outdoorsy side then so can you!

Life is about creating moments and I look forward to sharing my moments with all of you. Adventure is a lifestyle!

“It’s only the great outdoors….what are you afraid of?”

Listen to Lauren as she shares more on the Tough Girl Podcast. New episodes go live every Tuesday at 7am UK time!

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Show notes

  • Not growing up in the outdoors

  • Her first experience of the outdoors

  • Going to explore waterfalls

  • Making the transition from being a novice in the outdoors

  • Diversity and inclusion

  • Meeting people who were outdoorsy

  • Figuring it out for herself

  • Being intentional about adventure

  • Nature as therapy

  • Seeking peace in the outdoors

  • Starting the blog -

  • Being a girly girl

  • Doing adventures with her son

  • Being afraid of the outdoors

  • Car camping…

  • Camping solo

  • Magical moments while travelling

  • Dealing with asthma

  • Tips for travelling solo

  • Starting the Outdoorsy Diva Podcast

  • Next season of the podcast

  • Bucket list

  • Final words of advice


Social Media




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