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Audrey McIntosh turned 50 and took on the Antarctic Ice Marathon and Antarctic 100

Audrey is a freelance Business Consultant and Project Manager specialising in IT delivery and business change, an ultra-marathon runner and extreme adventure racer, motivational speaker, mother and wife.

Having done all that she could to avoid participating in sport at school she came to running late at the age of 34 when she ran her first 10k race to raise funds for her local hospital. She then moved up to half-marathon and marathon at the age of 40 and first ultra-marathon at the age of 47.

In 2013 as she turned 50 and took on the Antarctic Ice Marathon and Antarctic 100k and was the first Scot to complete both races together finishing first woman in the 100k. Since then she has run the North Pole Marathon, The Volcano Marathon finishing 3rd woman, and numerous ultra-marathons including the West Highland Way race.

Her next BIG challenge, is the Global Odyssey, which comes later in 2017 when she hopes, at the age of 54, to become the first woman to run 7 x 50k ultra-marathons on 7 continents in 7 days. She is using a crowd-funding campaign to raise the funds required to undertake this challenge.


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Show notes

  • Being totally disinterested in sports at school and why she enjoyed the ‘punishment’ exercises such as the long runs on the beach

  • Getting into fitness and how after her first 10K she was still saying she wasn’t going to run any further!

  • Choosing to run the Loch Ness Marathon in the Highlands of Scotland!

  • Working full time while training, and why being a project manager helps her to fit in her training while balancing family life.

  • Being relaxed about her training and why she decided to run her first ultra marathon at 47

  • How her mental and physical preparation changed when she moved from a marathon distance to an ultra marathon distance

  • Being stubborn and pig headed and why she doesn’t like to fail!

  • Coming from a background of strong women and how it has made her more determined.

  • What she thinks about while she runs

  • Getting into flow while running!

  • Deciding to take on a big challenge to help celebrate her 50th Birthday

  • Being rejected from the West Highland Way race and how it inspired her to not give up

  • The fears she had to deal with before the race and why she knows she will always have a wobble before the race.

  • Tips for other women who are feeling a little bit of fear about a new challenge

  • Why fear is a good thing

  • Standing on the start line of the Antarctic Ice Marathon

  • Why she enjoyed being in the vast wildness and holding her own and how it helped with her confidence

  • Why food and fluids were so important for her recovery

  • Having low points during the 100K on the 4th and 7th lap

  • Why it’s so important to have a dream and a goal, which isn’t related to your work.

  • Going back to run the West Highland Way race in 2015 - taking 29hrs to completed the 95 miles!

  • Finding out about her 2017 challenges!

Visit Audrey's Website and read her blog! Support Audrey with her next challenge the Global Odyssey! Audrey’s crowdfunding page is here

Audrey is on Twitter @audreymcintosh & Instagram @aa_mcintosh

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