Beth French, an ultra-marathon open-sea ocean swimmer who was once a Buddhist nun, a single mother who home schools her autistic son and an adventurer who suffered from a crippling illness (M.E. aka Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) in her youth.
During this podcast we speak to Beth about her journey to swim across the seven most dangerous sea-channels in the world, an official challenge called ‘Oceans Seven'. For extreme swimmers it’s the ultimate test; only a handful of people have ever completed it, but it took them many years.
In September 2016, Beth set out to become the first person ever to conquer Oceans Seven in a 12-months period.
Her motivation: to prove to her autistic son that you are not determined by your circumstances and that you can fulfil your dreams and ambitions by confronting obstacles head on.
“I became my own hero”
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Show notes
Not living close to the water
Self employed single mum who home schools her son with autistic needs and sea swims for sanity
Having ME as a teenager…
What life was like growing up - the challenges she faces and how she overcame them
Not being able to walk..
Coping strategies to numb the pain
Hitting rock bottom
Going to see an alternative therapist
Being told it was her fault at 17
Writing a wish list
Having a wake up call and taking responsibility for her life
Becoming a Buddhist Nun - meditating for 17 hours a day, 7 days a week for 6 months
Having a 2 week holiday which turned into an 8 year adventure!
Swimming in the ocean and falling in love with it
Learning the mental side of endurance
Being told she couldn’t have kids… Getting pregnant and being terrified
Wanting to adventure with her baby
Can she do it with a baby? How did she?
Her version of motherhood
The Channel Swim! Generating the right emotions to push her through
How to be true to you and to live your truth
Why you should be full of yourself
Not celebrating
Heading to Hawaii for the winter
What’s going on inside her head while she’s swimming
Tattoos and why she has them
Vulnerability as a strength and what’s she learn’t
Why she stopped her last project - Oceans 7
Going for the world record and pulling the plug on it
Making the toughest decision she has even made
The next challenge/adventure!
Top tips… advice..
Learn more about Beth via her social media channels- see below!
Learn more about Beth
Website -
Twitter - @bethsbigswim
Instagram - @bethfrenchlives
Facebook @bethfrenchlives

Beth will also be on Tough Girl EXTRA
this Thursday - 4th January 2018
answering some quick fire questions!
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