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🥾 Walking the Camino de Fisterra 🇪🇸. 90 km in 3 Days! 🚶🏼‍♀️☀️

Join me on the Camino de Fisterra, a 90 km journey from Santiago de Compostela to Finisterre, the "End of the World." 🌍🌊

Experience breathtaking landscapes, quaint villages, and historic landmarks. Follow along for daily updates and photos! 🚶🏼‍♀️📸

🥾 Camino de Fisterra 🇪🇸 ℹ️ Stats - Day 1

Date: Sunday 24th September

Weather: hot & sunny ☀️ stunning weather.

From: Cathedral at Santiago de Compostela

Start time: 1.45pm

To: Negreira

End time: 6pm - bed made up by 6.08pm

Accommodation: Albergue Alecrín

Terrain: road & more roads.

🥾Miles: 13 ( total today 28.7)

🦶Steps: 27,802 (total today 59,148)

Total miles: 13/56 = 23% done ✅

💰Costs: €14 bed

Food resupply from the local garage. As the supermarkets are shut on Sunday. €7.70 - crisps, gf pasta, sweets, chocolate bar.

Fanta €1.50

Total 🟰 €23.20

Subjective feeling out of 10 on:

Enjoyment: 9/10

Fatigue: 5/10

Ease of terrain: 4/10

Highlights - amazing to leave the city behind. In 10 mins you were out in the country side. So peaceful and calm. Much more my style!

Challenges - started to feel done in by 5.30pm ish. I was ready to stop!! I needed to

Rest and get in bed.

Needing to go and buy some food and cook the pasta.


🥾 Camino de Fisterra 🇪🇸 ℹ️ Stats - Day 2

Date: Monday 25th September

Weather: hot & sunny! ☀️

From: Negreira

Start time: 9.16am

To: O Logoso

End time: 5.08pm

Accommodation: private albergue - bottom bunk. Only 4 people in the room.

Terrain: road walking and past lots of farms

🥾Miles: 24

🦶Steps: 49,430

💰Costs: €3.40 gf cake & ice lolly

€14 private albergue

€12 - 3 course meal + white wine & extra dessert 🥳

Total €29.40 - I’m blowing straight through my €20 daily budget!

Subjective feeling out of 10 on:

Enjoyment: 10/10 one of my favourite days on a Camino

Fatigue: 3/10 - tiredness is starting to kick in more towards the end of the day

Ease of terrain: 3/10 - pretty easy going. Rolling - a few ups and downs but noting brutal.

Highlights - incredible views. Amazing hostel & food at the end. Loving this Camino. So chilled & relaxed. Plus amazing weather also helps!! Fisterra tomorrow!

Challenges - left ankle feels a little sore. Plus I’m super close to losing my right toe nail. Which annoys me! I’ve walked over 1000 miles this year and had 0 issues with my feet - no blisters, no nothing. I wear flat back shoes for a corporate hospitality gig I worked and they messed my feet up!!!


🥾 Camino de Fisterra 🇪🇸 ℹ️ Stats - Day 3 - Final Day

Date: Tuesday 26th September

Weather: hot & sunny ☀️

From: O Logoso

Start time: 8.20am

To: Finesterra.

End time: 2.11pm - then ran downhill back to the town to buy my bus ticket and chill for a little bit.

Accommodation: private albergue in Santiago de Compostela

Terrain: road, gravel tracks & forested sections

🥾Miles: 19.7 - end of the day 25 miles

🦶Steps: 39,106 - end of the day 49,208

💰Costs: Bus from Fisterra to Santiago @4.45pm €7.70

Icecream (3 scoops) €5

Albergue Santiago €26

Wine 🍷 €2.70

Total 🟰 €41.40

Subjective feeling out of 10 on:

Enjoyment: 9/10 - stunning weather and what a great way to finish the walk 🥳🥳🥳

Fatigue: 4/10 I’m starting to feel more and more tired - a rest day would be good. I wanted to start at 7.30ish today - but it just wasn’t happening. I needed more sleep 😴

Ease of terrain: 3/10 - no real struggles apart from the final 1.8k. Which was tough going in the heat and with the incline.

Highlights - did a little bit of running on the downhill sections. Finesterra is gorgeous- well worth visiting. Such a beautiful part of the world. Having time to chill in the sunshine before catching the bus back at 4.45pm. I treated myself to an icecream. Such a great day.

Challenges - starting the day in wet clothes - I’d washed them the night before and they didn’t dry! Plus I’ve been bitten again 🦟 - legs, arms & face - That was not fun! the final 1.8k was tough going. Ready for it to be over.


🥾Camino Finisterre (or Fisterra in Galician) 🇪🇸 ℹ️ Total Statsℹ️

Walking Days: 3

Rest Days: 0

Travel days: 1

Total: 4

From: 24th September to 27th September

Weather: Hot & Sunny ☀️

From: The Cathedral at Santiago de Compostela, Spain 🇪🇸

To: Finisterre and then catching the bus back to Santiago de Compostela, Spain 🇪🇸

Earliest start time: 8.20am

Latest start time: 1.45pm - 1st Day - starting after finishing the Camino Primitivo

Earliest end time: 2.11pm - final day - when I finished at Finisterre

Latest end time: 6pm - 1st Day - to be expected as I started so late and needed to cover a big distance to do the walk in 3 days

Longest time on feet: 7hrs 45 mins - day 2

Shortest day: 4hr 15 mins - Day 1

Number of stamps in my pilgrims passport: 4

Accommodation: albergues

Private: 3

Municipal: 0

🥾Total Miles: 57

Average daily miles: 19

🥾Total Km: 91

Average daily km: 30

🦶Total Steps: 116,338

Average daily steps: 38,779

💷💶Total Costs: £265 / €304

💷💶Average costs per day: £66 / €76

💷💶Total costs on the Camino - not including travel: £97 / €85

💷💶Daily costs: £32 / €28

💷💶Total Accommodation Costs: £47 / €54

💷💶Average Accommodation Costs: £16 / €18

💷💶Total Food Costs: £33 / €38

💷💶Average Daily Food Costs: £11 / €13

💷💶Travel Costs: £191 / €220 (£183 on flight ✈️ home)

💷💶Misc costs: £0 / €0

Shorter trips always end up being more expensive when you work out the averages. So it’s not the best representation.

*I will be doing another total stats post where I combine the 2 Camino’s together and that will be a clearer picture of what the costs were and where the money was spent.

I was trying to be more budget conscious on this trip and the ideal would have been spending approx €20 per day - but that didn’t happen on the final few days.

When you are tired and hungry, you end up paying for whatever the accommodation is which is available and you want/need to eat more food. Plus being gluten free does make it more expensive.

Subjective feeling out of 10 on:

😀Total Enjoyment: 28/30 = 93% loved this walk - would highly recommend heading to Finesterra.

😫Total Fatigue average: 12/30 = 40% starting to feel more tired on the final few days

⛰️Total Ease of terrain:10/30 = 33% pretty easy going - not much challenges.

Challenges: I felt pretty tired towards the end, but that’s to be expected. Otherwise everything was as I expected it.

This was my 4th camino - 3rd of this year. I feel as though I’ve got the routines established and I know what to expect.

Highlights: Reaching Finesterra and seeing the sea - the beaches were beautiful - a stunning part of the world. Very easy to get the bus 🚎 back to Santiago and bus travel was a good price.

What Would I do differently?: I would have kept on waking and gone to Muxia as well and then walked back to Santiago to complete the loop! Otherwise it was a great way to end the trip.

I do wish it was easier and cheaper for me to get home!

❓Any thoughts/comments on what I’ve shared? Do you have any questions you want to ask me about the Camino? ❓


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