Neruja Srikantharajah - An Unlikely Outdoor Adventurer - Pushing the importance of representation.
Neruja is passionate about diversifying the outdoors and pushing the importance of representation. In April 2020 she started her Instagram page to inspire others like her to adventure in the outdoors.
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Amira Patel - Founder of The Wanderlust Women Group, encourages hiking & adventure for Muslim women.
"My aim is to break down the barriers and stereotypes of the niqab and to break down misconceptions of Muslim women. The niqab to me is liberating and dignifying. It gives me strength and freedom. I wear the niqab as a personal act of worship and I deeply believe it brings me closer to God.” - Amira
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Preet Chandi - Army Physiotherapist, Ultra Runner, first solo unsupported expedition to South Pole!
"I’m an Army Physiotherapist and I love adventure and finding new ways to push my limits. I completed my first half marathon at the age of 20, this progressed to ultra marathons and I’m now training for a 700 mile solo, unsupported expedition in Antartica." - Preet
Continue to this episode by clicking here.
South Asian Heritage Month - seeks to raise the profile of British South Asian heritage and history in the UK through education, arts, culture and commemoration, with the goal of helping people to better understand the diversity of present-day Britain and improve social cohesion across the country.
Learn more - www.southasianheritage.org.uk
Follow @southasianheritagemonth_uk
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