Sophie Rooney - 1st woman to run the length of Scandinavia, 103 days, 3000km!
In 2016 Sophie Rooney set off with the bold intention of becoming the first woman to run the length of Scandinavia. From Nordkapp (the northernmost point of mainland Europe) to the German border with Denmark (3000 km south) carrying everything she needed on her back.
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Anna McNuff - Running 2,300+ miles through Great Britain barefoot!
In the summer of 2019, she set off on her most ambitious adventure yet – a 2,300+ mile (90 marathon) run through Britain… in her bare feet. Starting in the Shetland Islands and ending five months later in London, she weaved her way along rugged coastlines, through small villages, across moors, along beaches, over farmland and even pitter pattered down the odd picturesque A-road too. All the way along, she gave talks to the young women of Britain about taking on challenges of their own.
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Carla Molinaro - Elite Ultra Runner - Breaking the women's record for Land's End to John O'Groats!
"I am an elite ultra runner, running coach and adventurer who seeks out events that are slightly harder than the average. I love pushing my body to the limits by running a long way, up mountains, around islands and recently running the length of Great Britain from Land’s End to John O’Groats and setting a new ladies World Record along the way. It’s safe to say that I have caught the ‘micro-adventure’ and exploration bug." - Carla
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Katie Visco - Adventurer and ultra endurance runner - Ran across America and Australia!
In 2009, promoting the importance of a bold and passion-driven life, Katie ran solo across America, from Boston to San Diego, and became the 2nd youngest and 13th woman overall to make the crossing. During, and the year after her transAmerican crossing, she raised funds for the charity, Girls on the Run, and also stopped to visit more than two hundred audiences en route to spread her message to young and old alike. Running has been a versatile cornerstone of her wellbeing for years, and she especially loves the trails!
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