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Day 23-24: Leon Cathedral to Villares de Órbigo. 🥾 My Pilgrimage on the Camino Francés | Camino de Santiago 2023.

ℹ️Stats - Day 23

Date: Wednesday 24th May

Weather: hotter than the past couple of days. Down to my strappy top while walking.

From: Leon Cathedral ✝️

Start time: 8.30am

To: Villar de Mazarife

End time: 1pm

Terrain: road/pavements, gravel roads.

Accommodation: Albergue San Antonio de Padua. 🛏️ bottom bunk

Food: Breakfast- melon, watermelon, blueberries & oats. Snacks - chewy strawberry sweets. Lunch 🍽️ Red peppers, half a bag of crisps, naked bar, protein bar. Dinner - crisps, peanuts, naked bar, protein bar.

🥾Miles: 14.5 miles

🦶Steps: 30,322

Total miles completed: 338/500

💰Costs:€20 food. €12 bed. = €32

Subjective feeling out of 10 on:

Enjoyment: 3/10 for the morning walk out of Leon. Jumped to 7/10 for the afternoon walking.

Fatigue: 3/10 - felt a little tired today. Even though I had good sleep. I think it’s getting back into the walking again.

Ease of terrain: 3/10

Challenges: ugly road walk out of Leon. The air felt super polluted. Not pleasant.

Highlights:taking the alternative rural route. Away from the main road and more into the countryside. Chatted with Lyndsey 🇨🇦in the garden while having lunch. Ready for an afternoon nap at 2pm. 💤


ℹ️Stats - Day 24

Date: Thursday 25th May

Weather: sunny ☀️

From: Villar de Mazarife

Start time: 8am

To: Villares de Órbigo

End time: 12pm - 30 min wait for albergue to open

Terrain: flat gravel, pavement. Walking by the side of a road.

Accommodation: albergue - top bunk

Food: 2x energy bars (dates, coconuts &walnut), naked bar. Lunch - bacon & chicken gluten free pasta with guacamole. Snack - blueberries 🫐, raspberries, strawberries 🍓, walnuts, dark chocolate- drizzled with honey. 6pm dinner - same as lunch. Haribo sweets for desert. I ate so much today!!

🥾Miles: 12 miles

🦶Steps: 25,960

Total miles completed: 350/500

💰Costs: €21 food resupply. €14 bed = €35

Subjective feeling out of 10 on:

Enjoyment: 7/10

Fatigue: 2/10

Ease of terrain: 2/10

Challenges: none.

Highlights: meeting Lyndsey again on the walk. She called up and booked a bed for me at the albergue. Visiting a large supermarket and eating good food. Having a chilled afternoon in the sunshine ☀️ and just relaxing.


Watch Vlog #11 below!



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