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Day 35-36: Arzúa to Santiago de Compostela. 🥾 My Pilgrimage on the Camino Francés | Camino de Santiago 2023.

ℹ️Stats - Day 35

Date: Monday 5th June

Weather: sunny and hot! ☀️☀️☀️

From: Arzúa

Start time: 8.30am

To: O Pedrouzo

End time: 12.40pm

Terrain: pavement, roads, a few woodland travels. Gravel.

Accommodation: Albergue- bottom bunk.

Food: 3x scrambled eggs, tomato & avocado with olive oil and seeds. Peanuts. Lost all interest in food at the moment. Even jelly sweets don’t appeal!

Decided to go with a fruit salad - watermelon 🍉, mango 🥭, peach 🍑, apple 🍏, pear 🍐. With a little honey drizzled on top with the last 4 squares of dark chocolate broken up and covered in the rest of the seeds and nuts. It was delicious 😋 I also finished it all!!!

🥾Miles: 13 miles

🦶Steps: 29,054

Total miles completed: 524/500 Approx 12 more miles to go….

💰Costs:bed €12. Food €4 (fruit) = €16

Subjective feeling out of 10 on:

Enjoyment: 5/10 - ready to head home now.

Fatigue: 2/10

Ease of terrain: 2/10

Challenges: food - I’ve got no appetite and I’m not interested in eating at all. Which is not like me!!! By 4.30pm I had a large home made fruit salad with seeds and nuts . That will do me now for the rest of the day!

Highlights: checked in to the Albergue by 1pm, washed clothes and was able to sunbathe for the rest of the afternoon. ☀️☀️☀️


ℹ️Stats - Day 36 - the last day! 🥳

Date: Tuesday 6th June

Weather: dry and looks like it’s going to be a lovely day!

From: O Pedrouzo

Start time: 6.30am

To: Santiago de Compostela ✝️

End time: 10.10am

Terrain: sandy gravel tracks,

Accommodation: flying ✈️ home 🏡 & my own bed 🛌 🥳

Food:peanuts, 8 Mecdenas cakes (gluten and diary free)

🥾Miles: 13 miles to reach the cathedral ✝️

🦶Steps: 39,454 (19.2 miles)

Total miles completed: 537/500


🍽️ Food €5 (cakes & cookies)

🚎Bus to airport €1

🖋️Certificates, stickers, poster and tube €19

Euro = €25

🚕 Taxi home £100* dad paid 🙏 as he would normally collect me but I got into Manchester airport at 1 am and it’s an hours drive so didn’t get in till 2am

Subjective feeling out of 10 on:

Enjoyment: 7/10 - always great to finish something you’ve started 😂

Fatigue: 3/10 - feeling really good.

Ease of terrain: 3/10 - a nice walk into the city.

Challenges: the pilgrims offfice has gone high tech - very efficient. But sad your names aren’t hand written anymore. Instead the certificates are printed out. They still look good. But I miss the old way.

My flight got delayed by quite a few hrs. I ended up drinking Wine 🍷 and FaceTiming friends.

Highlights: the Cathedral looks very impressive- it was covered in scaffolding when I was last here in 2019. I had lots of time to chill before my flight this afternoon. I visited the tourist office and they were super helpful and explained how to catch the bus to the airport (€1 and takes Approx 25 mins) she also gave me a map of the city and the bus timetable.


Watch Vlog #17 below!



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