Sasha DiGiulian began climbing in 1998 at 6 years old. She won the World Championships for Female Overall, a Silver in the Bouldering World Championships, as well as Bronze in the Duel.
Sasha was also the undefeated pan-American Champion for over a decade. Outdoors, Sasha is the first North American woman to climb the grade 9a, 5.14d. Additionally, she has on-sighted multiple 8b+’s, 5.14a’s, ascended groundbreaking, multi-pitch routes of over 1500 feet of 8c climbing, and accomplished multiple First Ascents and over 30 First Female Ascents around the World.
Sasha is a graduate of Columbia University in New York City where she studied Non-fiction Writing and Business.
She is on the Board of the Women’s Sports Foundation, and is an Athlete Ambassador for Right to Play, Up2Us Sports, Access Fund, and American Alpine Club. She is the founder of SEND Bars and Female Focused Adventures, and is a co-founder of RoamTV.
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Show notes
Being based in Boulder, Colorado
Growing up in the Washing DC Area
Her early years
Being sporty from a young age
Getting into climbing at 6 years old
Discovering climbing as a competitive sport
Winning her first competition
Falling in love with the sport
Being supported by her mum
Dealing with the pressure of performing and needing to be perfect
Train so hard that even on a bad day you can still succeed
Dealing with pressure as a professional athlete
Using the pressure to her advantage
Building her own brand
Deciding to go to college
Spending weekends in NYC training
Making the transition from climbing indoors to big walls outside
Feeling more motivated when climbing outside
In 2012 - doing her first big wall expedition in the Dolomites
The lessons learned from big wall expeditions
Type 2 fun!!
Her next chapter in climbing
How does it work with expedition planning
Building out the team
Logistic - getting to the location, base camp, food, equipment etc
Launching a nutrition bar company - SEND Bars
The importance of fuelling her body especially being celiac (gluten free)
Planning the route from the ground
How to connect with Sasha
Read Sasha’s blog posts
Working on a secret plan for 2023
Words of advice to inspire you to step outside your comfort zone
Being committed to what makes you passionate
Social Media
Instagram @sashadigiulian
Facebook @sashadigiulian
Twitter @sashadigiulian
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