Michelle Griffith-Robinson OLY is a former Olympic athlete who represented Great Britain in the Triple jump. Michelle was the first woman in the UK to have jumped over 14 metres. Michelle is married to Matthew Robinson, an ex professional Welsh rugby player and she has three children.
In 1999 after leaving professional sport, Michelle became qualified as a personal trainer and stated to follow her passions of helping others through coaching and mentoring her own clients. Michelle is also one of the lead mentors for the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust – which helps young people get their lives back on track.
During this podcast, Michelle shares more about her early years, her passion for sports, the importance of having role models and what life was like as a professional athlete before making the transition out of elite competition. Michelle provides top tips and advice to help you achieve your dreams and goals.
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Show notes
Who is Michelle
Having 3 older brothers
Coming from a sporty family
Why doing just sport, wasn’t something you just did
The importance of education
Dreaming of a career in sports…
Attending the Youth Olympics
The importance of female role models
The importance of working hard and doing your best
Being encouraged and supported by her mum
Joining a local running club
Being the first woman in the Commonwealth to jump over 14m
What it was like going to the Commonwealth Games
The pressure of performance in the sporting world
Needing a support team
What it was like being a professional athlete
The power of being supported
Deciding to leave university
Dealing with financial stress
Pensions, houses and sponsorship money
Being dropped by the National Lottery
Deciding to become a Personal Trainer
Building a new career
Developing new skills
What exercise looks like now
A new Youtube channel - The Fit Family Robinsons!
Being an Ambassador for Diabetes UK
Needing to make changes to her diet
Wanting to raise awareness and make a difference
Diet and nutrition (one size does not fit all)
Starting as a mentor at the Youth Sport Trust 2009
Working for the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust in 2012
Words of positivity and encouragement
The importance of having a plan
Measure your plan
SMART - Specific - Measurable - Achievable - Realistic - Time Bound
Meeting her husband
Quick Fire Questions
Social Media
Instagram @michellegriffithrobinson
Twitter @RobinsonOly
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