I want to ensure that my mind is filled with positivity and that I’m leaning new things all the time. I want to be growing and developing as a person, and I want Tough Girl Challenges to continue to grow as a business. I want to learn and develop new skills and I want to ensure I’m doing everything I can to ensure I am creating the best version of me and the best version of Tough Girl Challenges.
I have big goals and big ambitions both personally and professionally, and the work ethic and drive to make it happen. But that doesn’t mean I’m always positive, upbeat and full of confidence about what I’m doing and how I’m doing. Everyone knows motivation doesn’t last and you need to keep it refilled. For me, I need to ensure that the content I am consuming is positive, and is going to teach me new skills.
What I’ve been reading
I read everyday and I use Blinkist platform as it is the best thing I’ve found that works for me. It costs about $40 per year. You get the first 30 days free. Honestly well worth trying it out and seeing if you like it.
Blinkist basically summarises books into key pieces of information ‘blinks’, you read these blinks in around 15 mins per book. This month I’ve been reading a lot of books on, productivity, performance as well as feminist books.
This is a sample of some of the books I’ve read this month:
Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
The 5 Second Rule (2017) is a transformative guidebook to taking action, changing your behavior and living life with less fear and more courage. The tips contained within are memorable, easy to implement and instantly effective. Anyone can start using them today to take control of their life and move confidently toward a brighter tomorrow.
How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence – and How You Can, too.
Crushing It! (2018) explains and explores why having a strong personal brand is crucial in business. Following up on his 2009 best seller, Crush It!, the author draws on both his own experiences and those of readers to illustrate why having a strong presence across multiple digital-media channels is a blueprint for success.
An example of a blink from crushing it:

A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals
Your Best Year Ever (2018) provides clear and easy-to-follow instructions on what to change in your life – and how – so that you can reach your full potential. It identifies key areas for you to work on, as well as barricades you must conquer before you can start improving yourself.
Use Content to Unleash Your Influence and Engage Those Who Matter to You
Top of Mind (2017) offers readers an exciting new perspective on marketing by helping them break free of old, outdated methods and embrace the new “You Marketing” movement. Author John Hall provides the tools and insight necessary to navigate the new world of marketing, focusing in particular on how to gain an audience’s trust and target their needs.
Living More with Less
Stuffocation (2013) explains how having too much stuff not only places an unnecessary burden on us, but is even leading to health issues. Our lives have become oversaturated with things, and a new value is emerging: the importance of experience over material possessions.
Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance
Endure (2018) takes an in-depth look at what enables certain boundary-pushing athletes to hit the wall of pain and effort – and still keep going. Alex Hutchinson examines the multiple and complex factors that allow marathon runners and cyclists to keep breaking records and reaching new heights in human endurance.
Sticking a finger up to the law of attraction and a thumb up to action
How to be F*cking Awesome (2016) guides you through real, actionable steps to achieve your goals without making any excuses. The book provides some straightforward principles that will help you avoid the common loopholes that stop people from living successfully.
and other essays
Men Explain Things To Me (2014) is a collection of essays that examine the range of misogyny in our culture, from everyday microaggressions to legal systems that fail to punish rape. Solnit explains how sexism perpetuates itself, and what we can all do to eliminate it.
The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding (1998) is a practical, hands-on guide to the dos and don'ts of branding. Covering 22 memorable bite-sized nuggets of wisdom, these blinks provide an overview of the all-too-common mistakes made by marketers and showcases the tricks of the trade used by the most successful brands to assert their dominance in ultra-competitive markets.
Asking for It (2015) is about rape culture, the social and cultural practices that normalize rape by diminishing the experiences of victims and vindicating perpetrators. These blinks outline the various manifestations and effects of rape culture, and the steps we can take to dismantle it.
(I watch this in the morning, while doing my foam rolling and stretching)
Ted Talks - Mel Robbins one is especially good
Morning Motivation compilations - I especially like the channel -
The Gary Vee audio experience - I search for specific episodes on; motivation, content, branding & podcasting
The Tim Ferris Show - I look for the women he interviews
Smashing the Ceiling - new podcast - listened to the first 3 episodes and I’m really enjoying it
The Adventure Sports Podcast - I search for the female episodes
Lewis Howes - The School of Greatness - Mel Robbins episode
Achieve your Goals with Hal Elrod - Mel Robbins episode
Other blog posts to read -->>
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