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How To Take The First Step To Living Your Dreams - The Lilly Wild Show

I was super pleased and honoured to be asked by Adelaide Goodeve to be a guest on her new podcast - The Lilly Wild Show!

Here are the show notes from this episode!


Do you have big dreams? An ambitious goal? Is fear, overwhelm or lack of motivation stopping you from turning them into reality? Or perhaps something else?

So many of us have great dreams, ambitions, ideas, passions and personal goals. But why is it, that we often shy away from following the life we’d love to live? Why is that fear holds us back?

I am very excited to kick off the series with my wonderful friend Sarah Williams!

Sarah is a blogger, podcaster and motivational speaker, Marathon Des Sables 2016 finisher and an incredible role model to all women and girls.

Sarah walks us through her inspirational story so far and what she has learnt from interviewing over 100 women.

So get ready to receive lots of juicy golden nuggets of actions that we can take immediately, to unleash our best self.

Caveat: Do not Google ‘Marathon Des Sables feet’!



  • Why we should all ‘Be The Egg’!

  • Sarah’s top 3 take aways from chatting to over 100 women who’ve completed challenges

  • Strategies to over come fear


  • The process of achieving balance

  • How challenging yourself can positively impact your mental and physical health

  • Setting and achieving your goal


QUESTION OF THE DAY: What was your favourite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments :)


Overcoming Fear

[1:40] Introducing Sarah

[3:50] The top 3 things Sarah’s learnt from chatting to over 100 women who’ve completed tough challenges

[6:20] 2 Common strategies used to overcome fear

Marathon Des Sables

[10:13] Why Sarah signed up for the Marathon Des Sables

[12:00] How Sarah stayed motived while training

[16:50] Achieving balance

[20:50] ‘Be The Egg’ Mantra

Tough Challenges and Health

[25:00] How adventures and sporting events positively impact our mental health

[30:25] Challenges and Business

[32:45] Self Belief and Self Confidence

Pushing Your Boundaries

[34:23] Challenging yourself

[36:00] Sarah’s Daily Podcast

[40:00] 7 Goals in 2017

[41:00] Wild Fire Questions

[49:40] Sarah reveals exciting future plans



Learn more about Adelaide by listening to her on the Tough Girl Daily Podcast!

Follow Adelaide on Twitter @AdelaideGoodeve



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