Crystal Rose in her own words:
“I am Crystal Hudelson (she/her) a cishet (both cisgender and heterosexual) gender Black woman I am a foster youth who was brought up by the state. This gives me incredible empathy for marginalized people which is what led me to my work with Climbers of Color (CoC).
I am in love with sport climbing (specifically outdoor leading). Certifications: The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) apprentice rock guide, Single Pitch Instructor
All of my climb training focuses on being a solid leader outside on rock. I used to co-host Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC - Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) climb nights for Climbers of Color at Stone Gardens Bellevue since it started there.
Climbers of Color opened up a platform for people like me to connect and teach with the climbing community in the closest way to my heart: Black people, people of color, and marginalized communities.
As my involvement grew, I became part of a new branch of CoC: outdoor rock climbing instruction. My partner and I developed all the instructional programs for rock at CoC and strive to make each course a welcoming, equitable, and informational experience for each participant.
CoC is the entity who has mentored me through the AMGA certification process and trusts I will do a good job. They have placed a confidence in me I have known few other places and I am grateful for it.
Within the BIPOC climbing community, I have seen a wide array of abilities and experience.
I want you to know that we see you because we are looking. We see you and want to honor you by creating a strong climbing community who shares joy with one another. Bringing one’s culture and ancestral essence into climbing is what will allow us to enter the climbing community as our whole selves.
Fun facts about me: My ancestry is Haitian and Irish. By day I work as an aircraft mechanic in the avionics department on heavy jets and my partner and I are building our first climbing wall in our backyard.
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Show notes
Who is Crystal Rose
Her current roles
What she was like as a little girl
Not having the opportunity to go outside much
Trying to find her place in the world
Getting into rock climbing through her partner Keith
Her passion for climbing and the outdoors
Meeting Keith and how their relationship developed
Not coming from an athletic background
Enjoying the mental aspect of the challenge
Managing fear and being able to believe in herself
Her love for sports climbings
Sport Leading Outside and why its her favourite type of climbing
Her journey in getting her climbing qualifications
Needing traditional gear and being supported by the climbing community
Gear Fund Collective - IG @thegearfundcollective
The challenge of finding climbing partners
Managing fear while climbing
The power of breath work and why it is one of the best tools you can use
Getting into a mindful space
Falling out of love with climbing in 2021
The need for rest and figuring out a balance
Being a Co-director of Climbers of Color (CoC) which was established in 2017
Her volunteer role at Climber of Color
Working full time as an airline mechanic
Assisting people to become guides
Driving change in the climbing world
Having scholarships available
Partnering with the American Alpine Institute
Her passion for writing and sharing on her blog - Rock Rose Blog - Examine the intersection of climbing, Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color, and policy.
Magical moments while climbing
Reflecting back on one of the hardest climbs she’s ever done
Not feeling worthy of being able to climb at a certain grade
Climb training for sport climbing
Following the Anderson Brothers Training Manual
Mercedes Pollmeier - Longevity Climbing Coach IG @modusathletica
Working with Climbing Coach Emily Taylor IG @browngirlsclimbing1
Brown Girls Climbing - 1st all BIPOC girls & GNB youth pioneering adventure based-climbing from Ohlone Land. Website -
How climbing and your everyday life can cross over
Advice for women who want to start climbing and to step outside their comfort zone
Look for an affinity group and finding a climbing partner who you connect with
Connecting with people via the internet and social media
Safety is number one and the skills will follow
Building her own home climbing wall
The community feel of the project
Deciding to name the climbing wall - the Monolith
How to connect with Crystal Rose
Final words of advice
Why healing isn’t linear
Social Media
Blog -
Personal Instagram
Go Fund Me - - Examine the intersection of climbing, Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color, and policy.
Climbers of Colour - Creating leaders of color in mountaineering and climbing. Based in Western Washington.
IG: @climbersofcolor
Facebook Group:
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