“Inspired by Tough Girl Challenges. I finally made the decision to go on my big adventure - facing a fear of solo cycling to ride 1009 miles via the three peaks - and I'm so glad I did”
During this podcast we learn more about Janine’s journey into fitness from running the London marathon to training for her first ironman, we learn why she started her blog triathlove.com and where she hopes to take it in the future.
Janine shares more about her own personal fears, the anxiety she has dealt with and why she has struggled to write about her most recent challenge.
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Show notes
Living in Bristol
Spending 15 years working in marketing, but now working as a freelance writer
Not growing up sporty and discovering running in her twenties
Her running journey and signing up for the London Marathon in 2008
Running it in 2009 due to an injury
Joining a running club and how it took her to the next level
Making the transition over to triathlon
Dealing with injury over a year and a half and the impact on her life
Getting her first bike
Starting her blog www.triathalove.com
Being inspired by Chrissie Wellington and why the message to ‘Pay it forward’ stuck with her
Signing up for her first Ironman and why she was terrified and excited in equal measure
Dealing with her own personal fears and anxiety
The Ironman Bible
Hitting walls in training and hiring an ironman coach for the final 6 months
Starting a new job and breaking up with her boyfriend
Chaining her nutrition and feeling supported in her journey
Dealing with her anxiety
Ironman Bolton in 2015 — the rain, the hills, the highpoint, the low points & transitions!
Recovery and feeling like a new women after the race
The ironman swagger
Doing her first ultra, qualifying for Team GB (age group)
Taking on bigger and bigger challenges and deciding to tackle her next fear - heights via the 3 Peaks Challenge
Dealing with her fears of isolation and wanting to be alone, but being scared
How meeting Anna McNuff changed the direction of her life
Why her big idea got shelved
Following her heart and doing what made her happy
Wanting to cycle from Lands End to John O’Groats (LEJOG)
Telling 3 people your plans
Deciding to quit her job and go back to being a freelancer
Dealing with the negative feedback and how she coped with it
Feeling the isolation kicking in
What’s she’s learnt from doing this solo challenge
Celebrating the finish!
The blog and how’s it evolved over time
The women who have inspired her on the blog
The LEJOG Blog….. maybe a book!
Final words of advice
Dealing with the adventure blues
Social Media
Blog Triathlove.com - INSPIRING WOMEN WHO TRI
Triathlove started life in 2014 as a training blog for her first ironman, but quickly became a place for Janine to share the stories of inspiring women she met along the way, who swim, cycle and run.
Instagram @missjanineelizabeth
Twitter @janinedoggett
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