Kim broke her neck while doing a backflip on her snowboard. After making a complete recovery, she reinserted adventure back into her life with things like competing in big mountain snowboarding and even going to school to learn how to become a stunt woman.
She is the Editor-in-Chief of Purpose2Play.com, a U.S. based digital publication that tells the positive and inspiring stories in sports. She routinely explores how and why athletes are able to overcome great physical and mental challenges. She believes that the talent she has for telling others' stories is rooted in her own desire to challenge herself physically and mentally and live her life at full throttle.
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Show notes
Where she is now and where she grew up
Why she is a story teller first
Being fearless since a young age
Snowboarding off the roof when she was 8 years old
Loving spending time outside
Not knowing what she wanted to do
Having to change career direction
Becoming a sports writer and being willing to try something new
Being in a major snowboarding accident when she was 28 years old
Dealing with recovery
Her identity and how it was tied to being an athlete
Using writing to help her recovery and reflect on what had happened
Wanting to get back to snowboarding and eventually getting back to the snow
Doing another backflip and reclaiming herself as an athlete
Where the idea for Purpose2Play came from and why they focus on the positive stories
Why play is an important component in life
Being inspired by Juliana Buhring
Her vision for Purpose2Play
Still competing in big mountain snowboarding
What’s going through her head before she starts a competition
11, 11, 11,
Going to stunt school and how it all came about
What her parents think!
Her plans for the coming year
Writing a children's book
Why she wants to focus more on mental health
Nikki Kimble and how she deals with her depression
Dealing with the adventure blues
14,000 ft mountains and her goals to climb 58 by the time she turns 48!
Wanting to go bungy jumping!
Social Media
Twitter @KimCon14 @Purpose2Play
Instagram @KimCon14
Website - http://www.purpose2play.com/
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