“I want to know that I have experienced everything that I can and to know that I have chosen how I live my life. I want a life like no other. I want to be one of those ‘how does she do it’ people. I want a life of extraordinary tales. Every step I take gets bigger but I had to start off with one baby step; things don’t just happen, you work up to them step by step. ”
Laura Bingham is a British adventurer, having travelled extensively in her early adulthood, Laura, ditched conventional English life to live in Mexico teaching English and helping a jaguar conservation project for the Mexican government.
In 2014 she make the bold decision to attempt to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. With zero experience she blagged her way onto a 38ft trimaran, alongside two sea-faring blokes and a cat called Cuba.
In 2016 she set off to cross an entire continent without any money – completely human-powered. Laura is raising both money and awareness for Operation South America, a charity that looks after homeless or abused girls and young women in Paraguay.
Laura currently lives in Leicestershire and is married to fellow explorer Ed Stafford, they are expecting their first child- due June 10th 2017.
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Show notes
Being a free spirit
Growing up with 3 older sisters
Being a spoiled brat while growing up
Leaving home at 18 to travel
Hopping around for 4 years, changing countries and jobs
Dealing with anxiety at college
Living on her own, working on her own and doing it all on her own
Every step took her further and further away from home
Dealing with a broken heart and trying to fill the empty void
Arriving in Mexico - sorting out a job and a place to live within 3 days
Doing Jaguar conservation work
Leaving Mexico after 4 months
Duolingo for learning languages
Deciding to sail home across the Atlantic
The cow scull
Trying to get to the boat with no money
Sailing to England
Surviving on four hour sleeps
Having an argument and not being able to get out
Sailing to Ireland and not England!
Getting itch feet and wanting to get travelling again
Cycling Ecuador to Argentina with no money
Operation South America
Getting her plans in place and dealing with the negativity
Why you should smile at strangers
The mental and emotional challenges of her trip
Asking for help, asking for food
How she coped when her fiancé was in an accident
Having Ness Knight come out to join the trip
What she learn’t from the South American cycle
Being emotional once she was back at home
What’s on her bucket list
Her message that she advocates - “follow your dreams”
Why you’ll learn from failure
Social Media
Twitter @laurabingham
Instagram @laurabingham
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