Dr Laura Gush is a patron of the Tough Girl Podcast, a member of the Tough Girl tribe and a phenomenal runner. She’s raced in The Iron Man, Marathon Des Sables and a number of ultra races and marathons.
Laura took a year off her medical career in 2015 and took that time to get her personal training qualifications and race in the Marathon Des Sables. Laura shares what she does to train for a race and how her educational perspective had an impact on her running.
We talk about how Laura got into running with no background in sports and what her future challenges will be.
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Show Notes
Growing up in South Wales with a musical background
Running in the 2008 London Marathon
Training for her first marathon
Getting shin splints and underestimating the challenge
Becoming like the people you’re closest to
Deciding to participate in The Ironman
Laura’s strategy for getting through The Ironman Mallorca
Running a marathon while feeling terrible
How being a doctor affects Laura’s running
What it felt like to be an Ironman
Balancing running with her medical career
Taking time off her career to run in the Marathon Des Sables
Creating her own training schedule with back to back runs
Running her first Ultra in the freezing cold
Laura’s tips and tricks for getting through a difficult race
Getting to the desert and getting ready before the race
Learning from her experience in the desert
Balancing holding yourself back and pushing yourself forward
Wanting to repeat the Marathon des Sables
Running the Druid Ultra and getting injured
Struggling with rest and recovery
Running a 100-mile race 6 days after the London Marathon
Recognising that failure makes things ok and that it’s a choice
Getting past the experience of giving up on a race
Competing in the brutal Ironman Wales in 2016
The highlight of the Ironman Wales
What Laura enjoys most about marathons and ultra
“Every time I push myself forward a little further, I realise what I can do.”
Laura’s race schedule for 2017 - The Boston Marathon
Doing things that scare you - Laura and South Africa
Social Media
Instagram - @doctor_eat_sleep_run_rpt
Twitter - @drlauragush
Facebook - @drlgpt
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