23rd November - Demre to Alakilise, 15km
🇹🇷 Saturday, 23rd November - Day 14 - Lycian Way, Turkey 🇹🇷
Day 2 in the mountains ⛰
* From: Demre to Alkalise
* Weather: sunny - just about!
* Distance: 9.26 miles
* Ascent / descent: 3,475ft / 600ft
* Accommodation: Pension
* Total cost: collection from the ruins 150TRY, accommodation & dinner 170TRY (for both of us).
We left the pension at 8.00 in the morning and starting walking along the roads.
This was a flat 4K before hitting the mountain section. This section could be done in around 5 - 6 hours.
☁️ We were very aware of the weather again and knew that rain was coming!! We could see the black clouds coming in and there was pressure to get this section done as quickly as possible as we didn’t want to be walking on the rocks l, it would just make them to slippery!
The first part was well marked and it was an easy path to follow! It was still steep climbing, but the views also made it worth while.
🥾 I prefer climbing up to walking down. I feel as though I have more control and it’s less pressure on my knees. I’m so glad I use poles! I honestly don’t know how people walk without them.
🎒 Again we were only carrying the essentials; water, food, poncho, sunglasses, etc. It’s all about having the lightest pack - it really does make a big difference to how quickly we can move!
There were plenty of rocks today and scrambling and trying to find the waymarkers, not as bad as yesterday but not ideal either! I think I’m learning more patience while being out here. I am starting to find it very frustrating!!!
🚘 We were collected at 2.15pm and it was good to get back to the Pension by 3.15. I was ready for an afternoon nap! I was so tired. I really feel as though it’s all starting to catch up with me now and I’m not giving my body enough time to recover.
🍽 We ate dinner with the family in the evening - a simple meal of soup, bread, rice and an aubergine dish.
I just needed some alone time to retreated to bed and snuggled in to watch some Netflix on my phone. Final day on the mountains tomorrow!
Kat Blog Post - https://followingthearrows.com/2020/01/22/lycian-way-day-14-demre-to-alakalise-15km/
Komoot Route Information - Day 14 - https://www.komoot.com/tour/104127957
Watch the vlog now!!!
The Lycian Way Vlogs have been sponsored by WaterWell! A super awesome company - who have the most amazing water filter bottles for hiking and adventures!
Learn more about WaterWell and get your own water bottle!
You can use Tough10 - to get a 10% discount!
I used the 700ml Travel Filter Water Bottle for the Lycian Way Hike - I then switch out the filter for a normal straw and use the bottle in my everyday life.
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#waterwelltravel is pioneering safe, sustainable filtered water for all your adventures.
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Learn more about Kat Davis - Blogger, Adventurer & Guidebook Author!
Follow her blog at followingthearrows.com
Instagram @followingthearrows @katdavisphotography
We used the Komoot App while hiking.
We uploaded the GPX tracks to Komoot and used this to help with navigation. The Komoot app also tracks us, and provides a lot of information such as distance covered, elevation gain and loss, there is also voice directions which you can turn on. Mine was called Bob…. (don’t know why!)
*The Komoot App was gifted and we also received sponsorship for this hike.
All of the tracks from the 23 day hike have been recorded on Komoot. Follow me @ToughGirl and follow Kat @FollowTheArrows
Learn more about Komoot and get the App - https://www.komoot.com
Komoot is the — The no.1 outdoor app for exploring the great outdoors on bike or foot. Share your tips and local outdoor highlights with others. #komoot