Return to Kyrgyzstan is focused on raising awareness about the local community and a Kyrgyz man named Hayat Tarikov who is dramatically changing Kyrgyz children’s lives through skiing.
It also tells the compelling story of Nayla’s own return back to Kyrgyzstan 4 years after a catastrophic accident there left her on the brink of death.
She organises adventure travel trips with a focus on filming stories of interest in far corners of the world.
Nayla was born in the French Alps to an Egyptian father and French mother and has been a devout traveler for her entire life. She is an avid skier and snowboarder with a true passion for the outdoors, adventure and global travel.
“To me snowboarding is not just an obsession, it is an insatiable craving that has lead me to discover new cultures, speak new languages, and form irreplaceable friendships.”
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Show notes
Moving out to Costa Rica for 4 months
How Nayla would introduce herself
Being born in France, moving to the states when she was 2 years old
Loving to travel from a young age
Being a student at UCLA
How the opportunity came about to go to Kyrgyzstan and make a film
The type of film she wanted to make
Getting equipment together to take
Putting the project together in 2 months
When the problems started…
The accident in the middle of nowhere
Remembering everything and being the only person not to have a head injury
Living in slow motion
Trying to get out of the car
Being the only one who could get help
Breaking her back in 3 places, breaking her sternum…
Doing what she needed to do, to survive
Getting help and being focused
The danger of catching AIDS
Managing to contact her friends
Being as nice as possible
Speaking to her dad, who is a doctor
Getting back to the States, worrying about a spinal cord injury
Reaching Dubai and it was getting time critical
Getting misdiagnosed in Dubai
The recovery process…
2 years before she’d be able to snowboard again
The mental recovery… how she got through it
Why she needed to focus on the stuff that she could do
Dealing with PTSD, having nightmares, not being able to control her thoughts
Deciding to go back to Kyrgyzstan
Developing a relationship with the village
Becoming part of the story
Travelling back with Lexie
Having her dad join the team!
Heading back to the village
Being able to teach the girls!
Working with the men
Being in post production of the documentary
Feeling blocked while trying to exit the movie
Planning her next trip back!
Having the opportunity to go to the Arctic!
Creating a documentary from the footage
Wanting to start a non profit
Following her passion to do some good
Final words of advice
Social Media
Twitter - @NaylaTawa
Instagram - @NaylaTawa
Learn more about her return to Kyrgyzstan www.returntokg.com
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