Steph is a Mum to a her nearly 6 year old son, a soldiers wife, and Operations manager for Forces Wives Challenge (FWC). In July 2019 Steph and her families' world was turned upside down when she became suddenly very unwell, and was subsequently diagnosed with a neurological disorder.
Going from an active, full time working Mum and a keen horse rider, to fully dependant on a wheelchair, with complex health issues and requiring 24/7 care to support with everyday tasks, was life changing. With sheer determination, an incredible support network and a passion for adventure, less than two years later Steph was back in the saddle and aiming for the next challenge in life.
Steph found her new 'place' within the FWC community and her role quickly developed from there, with her now being FWC's operation manager.
This year Steph will take on a huge challenge alongside a team of Forces Wives when she takes on the 'Ride to Freedom' (R2F). Created by Steph, R2F will see the team tackle the challenging terrain surrounding the WW2 freedom across the Pyrenees mountains. The team will spend 5 days on horseback covering 130km of technically difficult mountain tracks, with the only the team supporting Steph in every aspect of the expedition.
Join us as we follow Stephanie Quintrell's incredible journey of resilience, determination, and empowerment as she takes on the challenging Ride to Freedom and inspires others to never give up on their dreams.
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Show notes
Who is Steph
Being based in the East Midlands
Working as the Operations Mangers for Forces Wives Challenge (FWC)
The founder of FWC - Heather Sharp
Wanting to be involved with FWC but not being able to participate in the hikes and the mountaineering expeditions
How her role has developed over the years
Her early years growing up and her love for horses
Having her own horse from when she was 12
Being a member of The Pony Club
Working in the care sector
Getting ill at 28 and having to use a wheelchair
Struggling with chronic pain and exhaustion when she was younger
Being diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis (MS) in her early 20s but still having an active lifestyle
How her whole world changed within 48hrs
The challenges of treating her condition
Adapting to a new way of living
Not being able to look after herself or her son
Getting back to horse riding after 2 years
The feeling of freedom
The Ride to Freedom - what it is and what’ s involved
Wanting to get involved in a new challenge and making the challenge accessible
WW2 Freedom Trail (chemin de la Liberté) escape route to Spain
Being supported by an amazing team of women
The power of adventure and how it can bring people together
Wanting adventure to be inclusive and accessible
Doing practice expeditions/training weekends in the UK
Working through her fears and concerns before the start of the challenge
Wanting to create a short film about the journey
How people can connect with Steph and FWC
Final words of advice and wisdom for other women who would like to take on new challenges and adventures
Social Media
Facebook : @forceswiveschallenge
Twitter: @ForcesWivesChal
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