Sophie in her own words:
“I am a GP and mental health trainer practising in West London. My exposure to diverse pockets of humanity has taught me that social struggles, such as loneliness, don’t discriminate and that the resulting emotional distress is real and reaching pandemic levels. My heart lies in challenging perceptions of these problems and how we support those suffering.
I am striving to increase awareness and education around responding to distress within the current UK system through my work with the organisation 4MentalHealth, while seeking out ways to change the system through the undertaking of research into the root causes of distress and alternative approaches to healing globally.
My growing interest in the relationship between mental health and community led to the creation of 'The Patient's Voice Project' in 2016. I'm delighted this year to expand the project and focus in on cultural influences on mental health and healing through a Winston Churchill Fellowship exploring the potential translation of indigenous traditional practice elements to western society as alternative forms of therapy.
I've also had the opportunity to relay my work more widely; engaging with corporate audiences through talks on community at the Airbnb London Headquarters and contributing to policy change through work with the Jo Cox Foundation and the ‘Campaign to End Loneliness’ .
My work has also fostered a growing awareness of the transformative potential of the natural environment on psychological well being.
I enjoy getting outdoors as much as possible in the role of Expedition Doctor and most recently accompanied a group of young people to the Scottish Highlands with the British Exploring Society.
When not working you will usually find me Scottish country dancing, falling off a surfboard or practising the ukulele.”
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Show notes
Who is Sophie
Being based in London and working as a GP
Her Special interests
Doing mental health research
Being an expedition doctor
Her love of travel and expeditions
Her early years growing up in the Yorkshire Dales
Where her love of travel and adventure came from
Being inspired by her Grandfather
Going to Kenya and doing her first expedition at 17
Trekking across the States on the Lewis & Clark Trail
Going to medical school at St. Andrews
Getting into expedition medicine
Being afraid of taking the next step
Going on a trip to Antarctica in January 2020
How the trip on a tall ship changed her life
The mental side of adventures and challenges
Anticipation and preparation
Coping strategies for extreme environments
Creating your own safety plan
The emotional kit list
Why strategies are very personal
Having a safety plan for general life
Creating your own Safety Plan
Heading to the USA in 2019 for research
Winning a Winston Churchill Fellowship
Talking circles
Going on a tall ship in Costa Rica
Personal boundaries and looking at your own mental health
Keeping expedition fit
Having to want to be on the expedition
Visiting Antarctica and getting free vodka
Being an emerging film maker and what that means
The Patients Voice Project - 2016
Looking to do a Masters later on in 2022
Connect with Sophie
Final words of advice
Be curious about the world
Social Media
The Patients Voice - A global project researching and collecting patients’ stories from around the world to enhance our collective wellbeing.
Instagram: @drsophieredlin
Twitter: @DrSophieRedlin
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