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Richelle Olsen - An Aussie 30-something, plus sized everyday woman whose cycled nearly 5,000 kms fro


  • Getting to know a little more about Richelle and why she calls herself a 30-something, normal girls who has an adventurous spirit & why she loves the outdoors

  • Deciding at 21 years old to travel around South America solo & what she learnt about herself while travelling

  • Her experience of the Inca Trail; the trials, the tribulations, the challenges she faced and what she learnt from the experience and why that advice still holds true for today

  • Developing her mental strength

  • Experiencing Machu Picchu and being surrounded by Inca history

  • The reasons for signing up for Everest Base Camp and why she’s up for having experiences around the world

  • Training for Everest Base Camp and how being plus sized made her anxious being the trip

  • Body image and how it can impact on what you do, or don’t do

  • The impact on her normal life and why it’s “screwed up her sense of normal”

  • Her business - “Escaping your Comfort Zone” - How it came about and why it took her a 5,000 mile trip on a bicycle before she started it

  • Why it’s not about weight loss - but rather making friends and having fun!

  • Why you’re not broken and you don’t need to be fixed

  • Deciding to head off to cycle 5,000 miles from Canada to Mexico!!

  • Why she decided to stop comparing herself to others and why she stopped doing it and why you should to

  • Getting through the tough days on the road!

  • Failure and why it doesn’t exist as long as your still learning

  • Future challenges & goals

Follow Escaping Your Comfort Zone on Facebook or their website!


A massive thank you to everyone who has become a patron! You too can support the Tough Girl Podcast from $2 to $5 per month!

Future Events!

27th - 31st August - Emma & Sarah - Hadrians Wall Adventure

1st - 4th September - Base Camp Festival, Peak District

8th October - Women in Adventure Expo, Bristol

Don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!



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