Thru hiking the Appalachian Trail in 100 days is going to be a challenge.
I’ve shared more about my physical and mental preparation as well as the costs involved in getting me to the start of the trail. I have been meticulous with regards to what I’m taking with me and what it’s going to weigh.
You can read these blog posts here:
As well has having specific tactics for all aspects of the walk. The other area I’ve spent time on is developing my routines. So when I start I know exactly what I need to be doing.
Over time, I will get more efficient in the morning and the evening, but I don’t have a month or two months to get everything efficient. From the start I need to be making sure I’m quick at the little things, so I won’t be flaffing in the morning, when I should be out of the trail and so I won’t be flaffing in the evening, when I should be resting and recovering.
In terms of time, the little things do add up, so if I can be more efficient with my time, it means I can be out on the trail walking for longer, which over the 100 days will be so important to keep me on track.
Wake up when it gets light in the morning
Stretch my full body, with emphasis on my feet
Deep breathes and morning gratitude
Drink water as soon as I wake up - to flush out the toxins and to reduce the amount of water I’ll need to carry
Put sleeping bag away - stuff into dry sack
Empty the air out of the air mattress and roll away
Pack sleeping clothes into dry bag (clothes at the bottom, sleeping bag, then air mattress)
Get changed into hiking clothes
Put on sunscreen
Socks & Shoes on
Leave tent
Toilet & brush teeth
Collect food bag on the way back
Pack up tent ( Brush out the inside of any dirt, go around and collect tent pegs (count as I collect them), shack of any excess dew water, wipe down with bandana, (water is extra weight, I want the tent to be as dry as possible before it goes into my bag - this may not always be possible)
Snacks for the day into side pockets
Take supplements
Pack rucksack
Check area for anything left behind - follow Leave No Trace principles
Continue to drink water in the morning while packing (aim for 1 litre)
Know how far I need to walk to get to next water stop - estimate time and plan to drink all my water by the time I get there
Have a clear plan for the day with regards to millage
Try to be brave and start with less layers on
Backpack on - tighten straps
Start walking - eat and walk on the go
Consider filming plan for the day
No iPhone, no iPod until after 12pm
Snack and walk - check in every hour with my body - am I hungry, thirsty, what is my mood light?
Sip water, have electrolytes
Consistent and steady walking pace
Have iPhone handy to take pictures
Use my walking poles to get into a rhythm
Set mini challenges on the way
Break the day down into sections e.g morning and afternoon, breaks between water sources
Know next water source and how far away - aim to finish water before getting to water source
Only rest at the top of hills
Use the downhill sections for recovery
Stop drinking water at 6/7pm (So I won’t need to leave the tent in the middle of the night)
Eat consistently during the day - so no need to have evening meal
Arrive at shelter aim 5/6pm
Backpack off - Stretch!
Locate flat ground for tent
Sweep the ground to make sure there are no rocks or twigs, that could damage the tent
Tent up (Aim 4 mins )
Blow up air mattress
Take out sleeping bag and get bed ready
Have head torch handy
Backpack inside tent
Filter 2 litres of water (one for the morning and one to start walking with)
Toilet & brush teeth
Hang up food bag (after brushing teeth)
Take 1 litre of water into the tent
Get changed into dry clothes
Check for ticks
Brush hair, tie hair back
Massage feet
Plan route for tomorrow - know how far to go & when next water source is
Charge electronics
Elevate feet in the air
What have been the highlights from the day
Sleep (Bed by 9pm - when it goes dark)
Routine. Consistency. Habits.