Day 1: Travel from Pod Inn, Launceston to Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre. Then took the shuttle bus to Ronny Creek and started the walk to Scott-Kilvert Memorial Hut by Lake Rodway
Distance: 14,309 steps, approx 10.2km
Weather: sunny with blue skies
Accommodation: top floor of the Scott-Kilvert hut
Food: lots of snacks, with a cheese and crisp wrap for dinner.
Costs - drive to the start line ($75/£38), map $16/£8, National Parks Pass $30/£15 = Total spend $121/£62

Travel to Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre by McDermott’s coach. Booked online. Collected at 7.30am from Pod Inn arrived at 11.30am at Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre
The driver Ben, did more than just drive. He gave a really detailed history about Tasmania, the culture, the colonisation, food, land management. He was really very knowledgeable. Really impressed with how organised and efficient the journey was.
We stopped at a small town called Sheffield to look at the Murals. There is an annual competition and artist fly in form all over the world. There is $15,000 prize money up for grabs! It happens every April.

After getting to the Visitor Centre it was all systems go - I was keen to get walking as soon as possible.
I was given a briefing by one of the rangers, which was very detailed and very thorough. Lots of info provided. I had to sign a piece of paper confirming what gear I was carrying eg waterproofs, tent, sleeping bag, food etc.
It was then time to sort out my bag and see if I could fit all my food in! It was a bit of a struggle but I did manage to squeeze it all in. I wish I could have weighted it. This pack is the heaviest I’ve carried for a long time…
It was a short 15 min bus shuttle to Ronny Creek. Where the official start was, after a few photos I left at 12.16 - straight on the board walk.
Watch the vlog NOW!!!
📚 My hike is being sponsored by @ciceronepress - Cicerone has a new guide book which launched on the 15th Feb - with everything you need to know about hiking the Overland Track 😀 Head to for more info.
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