Day 6: Kia Ora Hut to Bert Nicholas Hut
Distance: 9.8km
Ascent / Descent: 380m/350m
Weather: Misty and cloudy in the morning. Rainy in the afternoon
Accommodation: Hut - shared sleeping platform.
Side trips: D’Alton Falls, Fergusson Falls and Hartnett Falls
⛺️ I took my time this morning, it also takes a little longer getting the tent packed up. I was pleased I’d decided to sleep in my tent the cabin would have been a little too claustrophobic!!
After crossing over a small bridge it was a really pleasant walk to Du Cane Hut (2.9km from Kia Ora Hut) which is an old cabin in the most beautiful clearing!

After walking through lots of roots and muddy sections you come to the junction where you can take the side trips to the first set of falls.
It was probably about and hour to do both D’Alton and Fergusson Falls - both were really spectacular you could get a little closer to the Fergusson falls. I’d really recommend this as a nice easy side trip to do.

There was another 1.1km walk to the next falls. Hartnett Falls was really busy - there was a big tour group there so you couldn’t get quite as close to the base as you wanted, but they were still spectacular. A few people were also going in for a quick dip!
🌧 It started to rain a little more heavily after the final falls and it was time for the Poncho to come out!
After Hartnett Falls there was quite a steady climb up to Du Cane Gap (1,070m). It was then downhill all the way to the cabin! The terrain was muddy, rocky and rooty. You start seeing the camping platforms before you see the hut.

The Bert Nicholas Hut is a nice surprise, it’s a big structure with a drying room on the right hand side when you first walk in.
There are then 3 separate sleeping rooms on the left hand side. Lots of pegs to hang stuff. I arrived quite late due to the side trips and most of the spaces were taken. I squeezed into the final room and made my self comfortable on the bottom sleeping area. I quickly got changed out of my wet hiking clothes and put my warm dry thermals on!
🍴 There is a massive dining room - loads of table and lots of space for eating and cooking. There is also art hanging from the ceiling!!
🖊 I filled in the hiker registration book and caught up with Ranger Mitchel and hikers Tracy and Oliver. By 7pm I was yawning!! Hiker midnight is getting earlier and earlier every day!!
Watch the vlog NOW!
📚 My hike is being sponsored by @ciceronepress - Cicerone has a new guide book which launched on the 15th Feb - with everything you need to know about hiking the Overland Track 😀 Head to for more info.
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